Originally published at: Top list of bestiality cases | Boing Boing
Not a job title I’d want on my business card.
Kind of an unpleasant topic. Normally I’d suggest a unicorn chaser, but somehow that seems inappropriate…
Arizona you say, bestiality you say? Not surprised in the least.
Hey i wonder what BB will post toda–y… uhhh
I wonder how the “unicorns can only be touched by virgins” rule applies to a person who loses their virginity to a unicorn.
I know! They don’t even require a college degree these days!
Poof, the unicorn vanishes and never calls back.
It’s the requirement for three years of experience that has me asking questions.
Yeah, Washington: Enumclaw horse sex case - Wikipedia
I’m hoping that animal cruelty laws apply in all the cases where bestiality laws would apply in states that have them.
It’s still not quite as gross as just about any story about Trump.
I guess we know where Zeus retired to.
Not a job title I’d want on my business card.
I resemble that remark! The other things on my business card are often not appropriate for polite company even in a joking manner.
Let me put on my professor cap here…
Zoophiles typically fall into one of three distinct profiles:
a small subset of people with psychosis will develop zoophilic tendencies as part of their delusional matrix and tend to be preferentially zoophilic only during psychotic episodes
a small subset of extremely anti- or asocial people will use animals sexually in a utilitarian manner due to their underdeveloped capacity for empathy or the sort of shame experiences associated with taboos and they are seldom preferentially zoophilic unless they are sufficiently asocial to be living as hermits
those with preferential zoophilia tend to be profoundly neurotic and self-doubting, having experienced sufficient early childhood rejection and attachment deficits that they view themselves as fundamentally unlovable, at which point they develop distorted views of their relationships with animals whom they then anthropomorphize and imagine a significant loving bond
My TED talks would never be dull.
I resemble that remark!
I do see the similarity, now that you mention it.
Yeah, I’m guessing that wasn’t included in the career matching tests I took in high school.
The name may leave some doubts but I swear my expertise is on the clinical side, not the recreational!