Top Republican Senate candidate wants Jews removed from America

Seriously. California has about 20 million registered voters. That means nearly four million people in California are willing to vote for a literal Nazi. Making a fuss about this isn’t “normalizing” it; treating it as just another “fringe” campaign is.


My guess is that critical thinking and self-examination are not their strengths.

No, I suppose not, though some of the more prominent “thought leaders” - Spencer, Duke, Bannon, have been busily working at re-branding white supremacy for a general audience.

And I get that, at the rank and file level, alignment with the 3rd Reich is meant to provoke anxiety and make neo-Nazism seem bigger and more powerful by association. I just don’t see the utility in a political context.

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Different from.


He is getting more support than anyone else running as a Republican for that Senate seat. Ergo; “Top Republican Senate Candidate.”

If Republicans don’t like that state of affairs then they should rally more support for the non-Nazis running against Feinstein (if they even have any).


Hey…I want all nazi, white-supremacist, selfish-fucktard, environment-hating, right wing jackass, shit bags like this guy removed from the country…but I am not getting what I want now am I.


And he seems to have no backstory at all. I couldn’t find anything about him other than his ranting anti-Semitic “campaign” site. And the picture of him on his site is him wearing sunglasses. He has no campaign events. Who is this guy? Is he a shill? Clearly it’s not a real, viable campaign, but is this even a real candidate for a not real campaign? Is that his real name? The Republican party in California can’t find anyone to run, because it’s hard work and expensive to run for Senate and they have zero chance of winning, so no serious person wants to do it. Calling him a “top Republican” anything is, in my opinion, exaggerated to the point of being misleading.

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NO. The Republicans by not even bothering to run a fucking box of hammers against this guy are tacitly saying they are okay with this. It is time for that party to slink off to a dark cave and die.


Until the state GOP takes charge of who’s allowed to run under its banner this isn’t an exaggeration. They have no excuse, since there’s no shortage of random non-Nazi conservative schmoes in California that they can “support” with an underfunded and desultory campaign.


It’s that right there. The difference between the Dems and Repubs is how each party handles their own. Look how Al Franken was handled vs how this guy is handled.


Thanks for this important note. (not sarcasm)

The fact that no one who is more popular than him is running against him does make him a “top republican senate candidate” (not simply a “top republican”), that is precisely what the phrase means here. It isn’t really misleading, and I think it’s important to note the article clearly states he doesn’t actually have a realistic chance of becoming the senator.

The Republican establishment may have disowned him, but he is still polling at 18%.

The point of this article is that Republican voters are supporting actual get-rid-of-the-Jews naziism, I don’t think the title misleads from that.

To have one literal Nazi run for your party may be regarded misfortune. To have two looks like carelessness.

(Credit to Lady Bracknell)


They’re probably the assholes that would say ‘sure he talks about exterminating human beings but he sure has some great ideas for reducing property taxes’.


Well, as the only open GOPer on this board, let me say this: I hope both these guys crater so hard they hit the molten core of the earth, and if I had them on the ballot I’d campaign against them, and vote for the Democrat to make sure they lost.

Or as my grandaddy used to say, I wouldn’t piss on them sumbitches if they was on fire and I was about to piss my pants.


If a Nazi fringe candidate can get enough money and support to run a candidate then so can one of the two biggest and best-financed parties in the country.

Anyway, unseating Feinstein wouldn’t necessarily be the impossible task some make it out to be. She’s facing more criticism then she has at almost any point in her career, and it’s not like California has never elected a Republican to high office before. This is the land of Nixon and Reagan.


California has an open primary system and the California Republican Party has veered so far to the right they have become completely irrelevant, the choice will be between two Democratic candidates. That said, this situation is not good for democracy and people like former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger who are trying to bring sanity back to the local GOP must be tearing their hair out.


Sounds like the Eleventh Commandment – “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican” – in full action. If you can’t criticize someone’s views or actions, you are at the very least enabling them.


I thought maybe it was an exaggeration or a misunderstanding. But on what I believe to be his campaign website:

Campaign Slogan: Liberate the US from the Jewish Oligarchy.

While I am looking to represent all US Citizens in California, I am a white advocate.

There is systematic discrimination and incitement against European-descended Americans, and I want to crush manifestations of anti-White racism in US institutions.

Even to double check, I can find it on snopes too.

I mean anyone can run for office really. I will be completely shocked and upset if he makes it through the primary election. It would show that we have a real problem in this country if a significant number of people are voting for an open white nationalist to represent them.


He’s polling above the top democrat competing with Feinstein and could be viable due to how California elects its senators. From the link:

Democrat Kevin de León, the outgoing California Senate President pro tem and thought to be Feinstein’s greatest competition, only polled at 8 percent, according to CBS News San Francisco.

California primaries operate on a “jungle primary” system, in which candidates from all parties compete in a single primary. The top two vote-getters then advance to the November general election.


Not a good Idea. That’s what the Nazis used to legally “ostracize” the people they persecuted.

Btw that’s exactly the reason why the german constitution expressively bans expatriating.


Hey, if he’d only confined himself to saying the Jews control the weather, he might win.


I remember once thinking that about Trump’s campaign. And here we are.

Also, this clown – real or not – has 18% support…

screaming into a pillow