Top Republican Senate candidate wants Jews removed from America

"Republican Nazi candidate…"

Not quite redundant…yet.

But this certainly is emerging as a verifiable sub-category.



And don’t forget the Governator.


He seems n… nazi. Yeah, that’s it. Nazi.
Seems like a whole lotta rank and file Rs identify with this nutter.

It’s a modest proposal.


And lots of other Republicans all levels of state government too. Three strikes laws? California. Prop 8? That was California. It wasn’t so long ago that Governor Pete Wilson tried to make it mandatory for California school teachers to report students they suspected of being in the country illegally. The idea that the state is perpetually “safe” for progressive causes and politicians is pure bunkum.


Here’s a terrifying thought: Dianne Feinstein is 84 years old. That’s five years older than average life expectancy for an American woman. If she keeled over dead at an inopportune moment the frontrunner for this Senate race would be a literal Nazi. Not cool.


Not necessarily so!
The choice will be between the two top vote-getters in the primary. Last election, that meant two Democrats; this time, this guy is polling ahead of Kevin de Leon, so if the primary were held today this guy WOULD be the other candidate.


Even if she shows signs of mental or physical fatigue, the press will have a field day as they did with Hillary after an exhausting day for her, and if it’s only him against her for November, his campaign could leverage that in ads and debates. The other thing is, even while I believe many republicans will distance themselves from him, the same has been true of Trump and at the end of the day, they’re working with him. Even though Feinstein is about as far to the right as Democrats get, and even if worse stuff comes out about him, they won’t turn down the shot at the party adding a red senate seat.

I would argue that a big part of Trump’s success is that he is too dumb to play the dog whistle and many of these white supremacists are too dumb to understand it. Instead we have seen the re-normalization of straight up racist speech.

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I think these candidates might be breathing a sigh of relief and saying “hey, here in America, with the current leadership, I no longer have to hide my Nazi views! I can be openly Nazi and face no actual bad consequences. And in doing so, I will make it easier for other, less brave Nazi candidates to advance our cause.”

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I agree with you that we have seen the normalization of racist speech, and I agree that Trump is an idiot. I’m not sure I agree that Trump is too stupid to use a dog whistle or that Nazis are too stupid to hear it.

I think Trump has shown a certain canniness in his bigotry. When he believes he can get away with it, he makes blatant attacks- any of his thoroughly repugnant remarks on women, immigrants, the disabled, or Muslims are good illustrations. When he’s not sure where the public stands on an issue, he hides his bigotry under whataboutism and both-sides false equivalency- his comments on Charlottesville, the NFL, and Black Lives Matter are instructive here. The white supremacists had no trouble picking out the message. After Trump failed to condemn the violence at Charlottesville, Daily Stormer posted:

Drumpf comments were good. He didn’t attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us.
He said that we need to study why people are so angry, and implied that there was hate… on both sides!
So he implied the antifa are haters.
There was virtually no counter-signaling of us at all.
He said he loves us all.
Also refused to answer a question about White Nationalists supporting him.
No condemnation at all.
When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room.
Really, really good.
God bless him.

Trump apologists from Ivanka to Ann Coulter have been on the airwaves reinforcing the message that “All Lives Matter”, and that protesting players should “shut up and dribble”, and those messages are loud in the conservative news echo chamber. If you have any doubt that the underlying thesis is getting through to the Nazis, here’s David Duke on the NFL protests:

TLDR; I think you’re absolutely right, racist speech is being normalized. But I think dog-whistles from Trump and his conservative media apologists are helping to shape that normalization and lend succor to all the worst elements of our society. Trump and his racist, anti-progressive allies in congress (I’m looking at you Steve King) need to be flushed from office back to the cesspools they came from. The sooner the better.


The first Nazi on the dance floor makes it ok for the rest of them to jitterbug?

Yeah, could be.


I don’t know if they can (edit - could have) or not, but I know that he is on the ballot.

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That’s the really telling thing, I think. For 50+ years, the Republican party has been not-so-subtly stoking the racial animus that underlies white supremacy in order to get elected, and now they’re shocked to find out that gambling naked antisemitism is going on in here!

My dudes, what did you expect? People like David Duke aren’t attracted to your party because they like the cut of your blazer. (Your sheet, on the other hand…)


Says who?*

*god, I love the look on her face here.

Saying nothing works so well, until there’s no one left to speak up for you…

First they came ... - Wikipedia


On another note, we’ve got an airplane for him.

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The problem is that we also have a lot of rural/staunch republican voters who would probably vote for a literal Nazi before they ever voted for a spits on ground and crosses self Democrat…

Even if he doesn’t have a fart’s chance in hell of winning the overall race, he’ll get millions of votes (emboldening other literal fucking Nazi supporters).


It’s about time!

So this looks like something I should flag, but I imagine I’m not taking it the way you meant it?