Originally published at: Top Russian scientist dead in mysterious fall at Moscow Aviation Institute | Boing Boing
The organization’s press office released a statement describing the 73-year-old’s death as “the result of an accident,”
The accident being that he made the mistake of speaking out about how screwed the Russian aviation and air travel industry is now that they can’t repair or maintain a large part of their civilian air fleet?
This is why young techies and scientists with any sense and resources left months ago and also why Russia does so poorly in industries that rely on expertise. When gangsters are in charge it becomes impossible for people like that to do their jobs properly.
I wonder if this will ultimately wind up like the myth of NY Stockbrokers jumping out of windows during the Great Depression?
It’ll be interesting to see what method they use to dispose of Putin. Skydiving accident?
An important lesson for other countries that might be contemplating putting gangsters in charge in 2024.
I don’t think anyone has left the iss… like that…
Dictatorships only have the appearance of being functional when they have massive manpower to waste in their efforts. They smooth over the inability to do work effectively by killing off lots of slaves to get to their goals.
Contrary to myth, the trains don’t really run on time (unless, of course, they’re bound for the regime’s prison and death camps – those trains are never late).
Something Catherine the Great inspired?
I think more likely that gravity leaves less of a trail than poison.
Autopsies will find poisons, they won’t find the hand that pushed you over the balcony.
Please correct the headline by putting quotation marks around the word mysterious. Thanks.
With a plutonium parachute and a landing field full of nerve agent.
Have you seen “The Death of Stalin”? I think if someone in his inner circle told him the truth, that’s how he would go.
Russia slow down, you’ve won, Prague cedes the defenestration crown already.
But it’s not a myth! So, no, I doubt it will wind up like that.
Oh! Has anyone posted this Wikipedia page yet?