Top White House troll Betsy DeVos is considering using federal funds to buy guns for teachers

That there would make an excellent comedy sketch. Teachers meeting the night before, planning the heist, and then executing it. Then you need to decide - do you go with an Oceans 11 sort of thing, or more of a Reservoir Dogs?

I actually agree with you on that, and my original comment was tongue in cheek. And while I wouldn’t have a problem with people who are properly TRAINED and armed, it isn’t really the solution that is needed.


Coming up next: “We checked the rules! There’s nothing in here that says a dog can’t be a teacher!”


we’re in a pretty well to do area, with GirlChild at a school with a pretty robust PTA program that funds some pretty cool programs (STEM, art, etc…)…

And I had to go over there yesterday to pay for $60 of supplies. TBH, it’s a minimal investment (above taxes) for what we’re getting, but I imagine there are places where $60 is more than a bunch of the parents can do for each kid. And in those places, the teachers pick up the slack?

It’s silly that this (&^$(&)&&)$####()*&&^) is promoting spending $ on guns for teachers, when it could be used for say, reams of paper, tissues, antimicrobial wipes, glue, or many of the other things I purchased yesterday.


I’m trying to look on the bright side by hoping that maybe because these con-artists went so above and beyond, it will actually motivate people to rebuild our systems – better than before – over the next decade.

We shall see!


This was written my a 17 year old student, Ashumah Moug who was a classmate of my sons. Our Governor at the time cut funding drastically to their school, and had the nerve to try to attend an award ceremony for the schools that excelled in spite of him. I say tried to attend as he ducked and ran when he heard the students planned to protest. I am happy to report that he was a one term Governor.

Lets all vote.


What do you want to bet that Eric will be behind the company that provides the “mandatory firearms training” to all the teachers as part of receiving their new weapons. And it’ll be a bargain at $2000 per teacher for the 30 minute group class. All billed to the taxpayers of course.


Because need more tacky house.

When are all these corrupt, self-serving monsters going to drown in their own cash-lubed circlejerk? surely the climax of their orgiastic self- and insider- dealing cometh…

“You kids damn well better start learnin’, or else I bring out my good friends Smith and Wesson!”

See? It’ll work great! All the kids today need is a little “motivation.”

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Not really a troll.
A troll is someone who gets off on griefing people. DeVos is too self absorbed to have any interest in other people. Hmm, maybe the kind of troll that lives under a bridge and eats people trying to progress. That’s pretty much her modus operandi: eating the poor. I doubt she has any interest in the pain of the students and families she is leaving behind; all she knows is that they are in the way of her dreams of a better educated 1% and lots of other people’s money.

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Speaking of Preston Sturges…

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All right guys and gals, I’m done with this world. Seeya next century.

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Very difficult to get a concealed carry handgun license here in California. “… teachers must pass the [CBEST], the California Basic Education Skills Test…” Then I get my handgun!

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