Originally published at: Toronto incel who murdered woman is jailed for life | Boing Boing
they are misogynist assholes.
Incel in cell
I hope that Andrew Tate and his cronies follow this loser into long term incarceration.
Now get the US to follow suit with treating Incels (and Neo-Nazis, etc) as terrorists and drive them back into their lonely holes instead of gathering and drawing strength from one another. It’ll never happen, but we could always hope.
Not with that attitude it won’t…
Congratulations, Canadian incels: your government now considers you all members of a terrorist movement. How’s that misogyny working out for you now, losers?
Let’s face it, it has been a long time since the US Government paid people $21/day to kill Nazis.
Again, feel free to give up and let the fascists win. I refuse to do so.
Don’t mistake my fatalism over the stance of the US government on these things for me rolling over and letting the fascists win. Like (I assume) many here, I’ve marched, donated, advocated, defended, patrolled, as well as having been tear-gassed, kettled, arrested, and beaten. I’ve earned my stripes and I’m still standing. However, over 40+ years of trying to accomplish anything, I’ve watched the US government do very little.
My generation tried, at least a good number of us…and I feel that we’ve utterly failed the generations that followed. Not because we didn’t try, not because we didn’t make gains, but because we’ve been unable to hold on to some of those gains. Yes, it means that we need to fight all the more - but to expect the US government to directly pronounce Neo-Nazis and their ilk as terrorists? If, after 80 years they still won’t label Nazi’s as terrorists and root them out, there is little chance that the US government will do so against other groups.
We can keep hoping, and pushing, but realistically? I just don’t see it happening.
TLDR: I’m too old and out of shape to still be scrapping with neo-Nazi skinheads, but I’m not above helping pay the bail of those still fit enough to do so.
Because the world we live in right now has never changed and never will?
That assumes the US government or other government agencies as monoliths, and I don’t believe that they are… nor does it take into account all the people on the outside pushing for change. Yes, there is pushback and resistance, but there was at lots of times in our history, and progress WAS made at various points. It’s possible. And that’s just as realistic as the resistance to change.
20 posts were split to a new topic: Historiography Debate - Cycles, Arcs, Sawtooths…?
May 20, 2020
Gotta love our neighbors to the North as they get it right.
“…who subscribe to an ideology that the world is unjustly stacked against unattractive heterosexual men.”
Hence the invention of money! And, I suspect, electric guitars
If only they’d consider why they’re “unattractive“ before heading down that path. Freshening up their attitudes might reduce the embarrassment of misogyny halitosis.