Torture lawyer John Yoo massages Trump

That headline is just wrong; just like Eye Bleach, Imagination Bleach does not exist.

I have never understood how the likes of Woo managed to stay out of the Hague, much less landing a teaching position at Berkeley of all places.
College of the Americas, sure. But Berkeley?

In any case, Woo can join Bonespurs in his crypt in the basement of an outhouse. (Along with a multitude of others)…


Woo who?


Whenever I go to Wallyworld, I consider it my civic duty to turn the tomes of RWNJs & Religious Frauds (Joel Osteen is numerous around here) upside down. Or put a coloring book in front…

If Wallyworld had a Fantasy section, I would merely put that sign in the Religion section.
Much less work than moving the books themselves. I bet most people wouldn’t even notice.


Yoo who!

Damn, I need new glasses…

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Massages or fellates?


What a slimy shitworm.

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I read it as “Massages Trump(s prostate with his tongue)”

Berkeley Law has been considerably more conservative than the rest of the campus since the days of FSM. It was home to Phillipe Johnson, who basically invented the concept of Intelligent Design, as a legal strategy. I believe that Yoo was a professor there before writing the memo, though, so he wasn’t hired despite the memo. I expect very few law schools would have been able to hire him without students protesting.


Well, duh.


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