Total Landscaping: A Masque

When it comes right down to it, the system relies on 1% physical security and 99% society-wide mutual trust.

If you’re prepared to [pretend to] believe that everyone involved in counting votes in a city or state is part of a conspiracy, then there’s no point even caring what the result was, because you can’t count 200 million votes yourself, and nothing else would convince you.

That’s why this kind of shit is so much darker than most of us want to face. The people who buy this aren’t fully capable of being part of society – perhaps ever.


I do understand this, but my question was rather more banal. What physical security does exist around the ballots? I was wondering if say, a state actor with limited ethics could make a few million ballots disappear with nobody noticing. I’m seriously hoping not, but I’ve no idea.

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we come from the earth
we return to the earth
and , in between , we garrrrden


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