Tour of a teeny-tiny closet-size NYC apartment that costs $650/month

Arguing that this is too small (which is a matter of opinion, at any rate) isn’t the same as arguing against afforable single occupancy apartments… ALL housing should be decently sized and should be affordable. I doubt few people here would disagree on that point.


Yah, as @Mindysan33 says, I think the point is that we can have it both ways. If cities were better run, we fixed luxury condo investment camping, broken NIMBYed permit systems, etc etc, we could make a decent life affordable for all. Saying that cities should have cheap shitty apartments so everyone can afford something is kinda like saying fast food jobs should be shitty because teenagers and poor people do them (an argument that Republicans make every time minimum wage is discussed),

It’s not a zero sum game. We have the resources and smarts to solve all the problems. We lack only the political will.

Also, welcome to BoingBoing! :hugs:


Yep! I know plenty of people who would be perfectly happy in a tiny place like this… But others want or need more room for various reasons!

But ALL housing needs to be affordable for all levels. We need good, safe, comfortable, high quality housing for everyone!

Hell Yeah Damages GIF

I’ll drink to that, sister!


I feel slightly claustrophobic just watching them lying down in the bed.


Who did that, though? Rusty’s post didn’t. The original video certainly didn’t, they made a point of saying this was a desirable unit. :woman_shrugging:t2:


And the skylight! Perfectly positioned for peeping Toms.


Maybe that’s the fire escape, too. I do admit to some concern about safe evacuation in the case of a fire…


… yeah i remember from last time :wink:

2500 cubic armadillos

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There was a lot of mumbling.

Even worse if she re-buys the same mattress pad every time.


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