Tourist snaps toes off Italian sculpture while taking a selfie

“Handle lässig. Benimm dich lässig. Keine Panik. Oh Scheiße, oh Scheiße, oh Scheiße!”


“He walked away but police nabbed him because museum visitors are required to provide their personal information for COVID-19 contact tracing if necessary”

Well that’s, disconcerting. Why cant a database just be used for the thing it’s meant to be used for?

(This is not an attempt to condone breaking statues)


Why would someone even get that close to a statue like that? That kind of stuff can’t be fixed to an as-is-was state. And he was essentially laying down on it. Sheesh. Honestly, I would have expected this to be some kind of ignorant American tourist. But this just reminds me that we’re all the same; we’re all in this together.


There appears to be a museum in Shanghai completely devoted to generating viral videos of people breaking the exhibits:


also @pesco
From another thread a day or so ago

Per google translate it was a plaster cast of a 200 year old statue rather than the statue itself so I can see the security being a bit lax about touching. Still the tourist was a selfish asshole and small part of me is glad he wasn’t an Ameican.


Hey, it could have been a penis.

The horror.


no stanchions or barriers of any sort? it is laying out there in the open , an object of a shape and height that instinctively says sit on me. while our higher functioning brain should be able to resist the urge and figure it out, I’m going to hazard a guess that the museum has plenty of footage of other guests doing the exact same thing. I would fault the museum director more than the inevitable random tourist for overlooking that one.


I’m so glad at least other countries are embaressing themselves as far as the dumb guy in shorts goes. America has really been holding up the whole world in that regard for a long time.

There is a remote possibility, every day, that somewhere in the world an adult who has never visited any museum anywhere at any point in their life walks into one for the first time, and despite warning signs and the behavior of other visitors decides to engage in an action that causes damage. Museums must be on guard for exactly this scenario, in case it ever happens.

Yup, that’s got to be the museum director’s fault, no question.


It sounds like it was an original plaster, so it was also 200 years old. I don’t fully understand the sculpting techniques of the time, but it may have been some kind of workshop draft or similar used by the artist with calipers to create the actual sculpture. So not a copy of a statue, but actual work of the artist in question.



Keep up, people, it’s a reBoing :wink:

Any chance of merging the comments before we retread too much of the same ground again?
@orenwolf @pesco

With nail polish.

Exactly. The contact tracing is important, but protecting people’s civil liberty (especially in the current climate) is equally important. The fact they used the Covid list to track him down is probably enough grounds to get charges thrown out - my jurisdiction has similar requirements, but the law enabling it is explicit that the information can only be used for contact tracing.

It’s even worse than “he ran away”. It seems to me, perfectly clear in the video, that as soon as he realized what he’d done, he continually positioned his body between the damage and others near or looking at the piece (including his presumed wife) so as to obscure the damage. His immediate instinct was to hide it rather than take responsibility. This is the pitiful act of a manchild.


Do words have no meaning anymore? Doesn’t a selfie imply you are taking your own picture? I think the act is egregious enough that we don’t need to double down by accusing the perp of taking selfies. It’s pretty clear his wife or companion is the one taking the picture, from mid-room, or am I missing something?


In our current state of emergency, no, words no longer have any mambo dogface in the banana patch. Banana banana banana. That is all.


Just look at it!


It’s a plaster cast, for crissakes. I hate fake shit in museums. Is he an idiot - sure. But no different than if he damaged a wax model of Ed McMahon at some wax museum.

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Dang. Wish I had read that casting date first. I’ll show myself out.