You bought the big Manfrotto with the quickmount, but without the automatic floating device option? Dude!
I thought that was the equivalent to getting the undercoating option on a new car. Who knew?
In Minnesota this is called Truecoat®.
Isn’t that one of the valid places to get that treatment. Something about protecting against the salt on the road over the long winters? Or is it BS for any location?
My guess would be… yes. But the Coen Brothers made good use of the notion in Fargo.
I need to rewatch Fargo one of these days.
I envy anyone who has never watched it (but eventually will), or has not seen it in a very long time. They get to experience it fresh.
I watched it too many times to count in the 90’s. But now I can barely conjure some of the more iconic scenes. So I am about to the point where I can watch it was most newb eyes.
The unappreciated power of abstinence.
Doesn’t look like a close call? Jesus wept! That was about as close a call as you can get. What more do you want, Michael Bay explosions everywhere?
Its a bit like those two guys who got killed by getting too close to a glacier in New Zealand some years back.
Everyone talks about the fjords, but no one mentions the fnords! Wake up, sheeple!
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