Town to install public toilets with anti-sex systems

How about a system that detects sex in a toilet booth and broadcasts it to all Tindr and Grindr users in the area? Spread the love? It would need an opt out, of course.


The British do like their public sex, so much so that they coined the terms ‘cottaging’ and ‘dogging’.


My own experience with weight - or rather pressure - sensors is limited to in mouth measurements of biting forces and to determine the correct amount of force and the coordinates where the pressure was applied, down to ± 0.1mm. But I implemented the calibration process and the algorithm myself. Passed medical certification.

I don’t see why using a set of pressure sensors shouldn’t be able to identify, at the very least, when there are more than two feet. Can you explain your reasoning?

“le bumsex”



Oh porthcawl, never change… :roll_eyes:

Would make sense the way things are going.

I could easily make some nightmare fuel for them. I am a straight guy, and sometimes happens if I am in a hurry and the men restroom isn’t available to use the women one. I am a man dressed as a man in a women’s bathroom.
Heck, in a camping some years ago I took a sower in the women part due the clogged drains in the men one.

This public restroom doesn’t have any sensor or whatever but I think nobody will make sex in it.

If you are really concerned about it, do like what is done in some trains stations: make te toilet a paid toiled and put a janitor to collect the money and to check if all is ok. This was made to keep junkies out, and is working. Besides I am more concerned to find someone that has just got an heroine shot than someone that is having sex.

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Well, a system that wouldn’t work would be cheap.

We’re not talking about a device whose whole purpose is to be a sensor (and is treated appropriately). We’re talking about sensor(s) buried within a functioning, public toilet. Something that has to have a floor durable - and cleanable - enough for constant public use. (I.e. it’s getting constantly walked on, getting wet, having harsh cleaners put on it.) So where are the sensors - under a tile floor? Can sensors be sensitive enough to be buried under a couple inches of (rigid) cement board, grout & tile and still detect the difference between two sets of feet a couple inches apart? (And isn’t also triggered by someone leaning on a walker, or setting down a heavy bag, for instance?) Are the sensors durable enough to be left buried under the floor for a decade or two without requiring any sort of maintenance?

Building a public toilet that will survive and require minimal maintenance is an underestimated difficulty - adding electronics and a bunch of sensitive sensors as well? Yer havin’ a laugh.


Wait… when does this happen? In my experience, the women’s bathrooms are almost always more crowded then the men’s bathrooms… Maybe at sportsball events? :thinking:


Oh I missed that. That’s great. I laughed. I’m still laughing.

Back in my nightclubbing days, all genders tended to use the men’s toilets for peeing. The women’s toilets were reserved for taking drugs and fixing makeup.


So, for powdering one’s nose



In at least 2 of the clubs I went to, the exact opposite was true. The men’s bathrooms were total messes, so almost everyone used the women’s bathroom!


There were rather a lot of IV users at the clubs I went to, and needles usually demand privacy. The women’s had more lockable stalls (and, as a bonus, were somewhat more hygienic).


If there were a lot of IV drug users in my scene, I was probably oblivious to it!


Alright, Humpty.

Much amusement to the family: Griffin Park is apparently where my great uncle and other society folk went to play bowls.

“Play bowls”, perhaps.

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I can’t imagine this even working slightly without a ridiculous amount of sensor surveillance. It will be fun when it’s leaked/hacked/sold.

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Dangerous to editorialize too much…

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