Toxic Republican congressperson Marjorie Taylor Greene is angry about space lasers

She’s a reckless self-serving destructive and fundamentally dishonest person because that’s what she is and people like that don’t need reasons. They don’t need consistent beliefs or principles.

If she ever needs a justification she can always make one up.

And this is the kind of future the GOP envisions for us all, being subject to the whims of people like her.


It is what they say! Wake up!!!111!11!!ONZE!


Sorry, just happened to re-read and I realized my response may have seemed I was snarking at you. I agree completely that it’d be awesome if the things Greene is rambling about were actual things, rather than a jerk’s excuse to engage in anti Semitic rants. My snark was aimed purely at her, not you.


Well, that too. Problem is, there’s a lot of references to comics and games you can make, but those are all works of imagination, and that’s fine. Here we have someone who thinks it’s reality! The insane have taken over the asylum, etc.

Alec over at Technology Collections has a fantastic series of videos about RCA’s CED Selectavision:

‘Twas shite - clever, but shite.


It would also explain how they’re so broke.

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That is a great channel.


Dunno about 100 miles away, but vivid blue streaks of light from the sky, that set things on fire? Well, space lasers are a much more rational explanation than high-voltage flashes of electricity from out of the clouds, obviously. /s


Holy batshit Robin!

Of course “the Jews”…
It’s only late January, and I’m already over 2021.

But the fact that she’s very open/aggressive about these views and was still elected says a lot about the people who elected her… “only the finest” I’m sure.

That’s the bigger issue, not these tinpot politicians (though they are a problem), but how do you get a surprisingly (and disappointingly) large percent of the population who voted these assholes into office to grow the fuck up and play nicely with everyone else?


Republicans don’t care about electing anyone who would achieve any actual policy goals.

They only care about electing people who will hurt the outgroup.

You can tell by how dems keep getting pulled further and further right by the GOP while the GOP is absolutely never once moderated by the dems. It’s because the dems actually attempt to engage in good faith while the whole point of the GOP is to scam and destroy.

While both parties ultimately serve money, their voter block and their voter’s demands remain distinct. Left leaning people generally want to achieve good things for everyone. Right leaning people generally want to eradicate anything even mildly different from themselves.


Well, she’s certainly getting tons of publicity, which is probably her goal. Acknowledging fuckwads only encourages them.



Well ignoring this kind of crap didn’t exactly get us anywhere either.


And the rest of the Republican party is going along with this. This is who they are, now - an anti-democratic, white-supremacist party based on insane conspiracy theories. That’s really the most disturbing bit to me.

At this point I don’t know how we get through this without an actual civil war.


Hopefully, we get through it when demographic changes turn the GOP into a permanent minority, when no amount of gerrymandering is enough to overcome the shrinking proportion of the population that still supports their white supremacist, theocratic bullshit and capture them enough seats to make actual policy. That is, if they don’t destroy the country out of spite first.


Me neither. Especially considering how such a large portion of the GOP voters actively want to start a second civil war.

Boogaloo is only sometimes ironic. A really scary amount of the time it’s not. A guy I grew up with lives in Northern Idaho now. He straight up posts about “how much fun it’ll be to shoot Seattle refugees when the boogaloo comes to Washington”


I’ve posted about my neighbor before. He’s generally a good neighbor, but gets his world views from Fox “news.” And it shows. He’ll say things like, “we need another civil war,” as if of course I would agree with him. I always ask him, “do you really think that would be better than trying to figure stuff out? Do you want your son to have to fight against fellow Americans?”
He changes his tune every time, but then gets re-indoctrinated by Fox.
It’s like they want this war to happen, but not in the real sense of sleeping on the ground and going hungry and pulling friends’ wounded bodies out of the streets…like the reality tv form of civil war.


There’s a guy just down the street from my house, who has a bunch of flags on a flag pole, from top to bottom the gadsen no step on snek flag, then the thin blue line flag, then the trump flag, then a confederate flag.

It’s like a real physical under-bridge-dwelling-creature-that-tells-riddles

I’m sure there’s a semaphore joke in there about these people really trying to send a message.


“Y’all know who to hire for your realtor. Jenna Ryan for your realtor.”


it’s always somebody else who’s gonna be living in the refugee camp