Toy fetuses snuck into candy bags at state fair

No one is really “pro-abortion” - I mean, it’s not something that people do for fun. Even the people who advocate strongly for access to abortions would generally consider contraception to be preferable to abortion.

The people in what you frame as the “pro-abortion” camp want women to have the right to choose for themselves whether to abort, hence “pro-choice”


All the rubber fetuses are white. Hmm…what is the message there?

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What did the dept. of health have to say about it? The bags of candy could have been contaminated by the germy hands of the sick people who put them there.

Dog toy.

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The “killing white Christian babies” trope never goes out of style and was the centerpiece of “The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion” which claimed Jews needed Christian baby blood to make matzah for Passover.


I was really disappointed to find this wasn’t actually a candy…preferably liqua-gel filled specifically designed to BE eaten at prolife events

Since " every sperm is sacred ", I find it rather sad that they don’t include little rubber sperm and rubber eggs.

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Actually, if they were in any way honest about their motives, a lot of causes would take precedence over abortion for them. (E.g., as you might know, America’s infant mortality rate is a national disgrace; they’d be on it like white on rice if they weren’t lying through their teeth about why they’re anti-abortion.)

That’s why the term “pro-life” is so insidious. It’s marketing, plain and simple. They can’t exactly come out and say they their only concern is punishing women for having sex [1], even though that’s obviously where they’re coming from.

They insist that everyone call them by this BS phrase because it encourages people to glide right past the two slices of utter baloney on which the anti-choice camp absolutely depends on putting over:

(a) Their lies about motives; and

(b) The pretense that “life”–in quotes because they use it in such an abstract sense as to have no practical meaning whatever–beginning at conception is something other than a convenient (to them) dogma with no scientific support.

Calling them “pro-life” implies that you accept both their claims about motive and their premise about “life.”

[1] And could there be anything more anti-life than viewing birth and babies as a punishment, for anything? But that’s clearly their view.


That was my thought as well. I really want these to be chocolate, preferably with a cherry cordial filling.

Suit yourself, but they are anti-choice. They do not believe a pregnant woman should be entitled to make that call. It’s an accurate description.
I don’t usually use the term “pro-forced childbirth,” but it too is certainly accurate.


ND resident here, and I thought I’d share my take on things.

  1. For those commenting on the fetus-toys contaminating food, you’re misunderstanding what is meant by a “candy bag”. It means a paper or plastic bag (like a small grocery bag) that has small pieces of separately-wrapped candy put into it. (Think Halloween Trick-or-Treat bags.)

  2. As for the local points, I think this stunt was great for the state. Between this and the “let’s pass a law banning abortions that we know is unconstitutional” the Republicans are losing a fair amount of support in this typically-right-leaning state. It’s not the anti-abortion message that’s the problem (most people in the state are against letting abortion be legal), but instead is the combination of massive government waste on a failed-before-it-started law just to prove a point (seriously - they passed the law acknowledging it violated Roe v. Wade, and wanted to use state taxpayer money to take it to the Supreme Court in order to voice their displeasure), and now, with this creepy-as-fuck display of handing out dead-fetus-looking (and creepy-vibrator-looking) dolls to children without parental consent - accompanied by anti-abortion pamphlets to boot - it is starting to majorly piss off many of the state’s moderates (and even some of the conservatives).


Is it bad that my first thought was how cool a bunch of those would look with a cord strung through them, hanging around me neck?

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It should come with a single serving packet of lube.

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I take pictures of them whenever they are out there and post them up to a tumblr that mocks them.

Thank you for your service.


It should have come with a little coat hanger to pluck them out of the box with.


I prefer the term pro-death, or pro-torture, or even pro-abortion (since their actions guarantee MORE abortions rather than fewer) but anti-choice is the most diplomatic way to indicate their stance.


Eh. It seems as misleading as “pro-life.” No one is against life, so that’s a dumb thing to call someone, and no one is anti making choices, so that seems a bit silly. Can’t we just call each other pro and anti-abortion, since that is the issue at hand?

Er, saying that pro-choice people should be called pro-abortion isn’t really helping to stop the misleading title business.


That isn’t the issue at hand. The issue is: are women legally allowed to have independent agency or not? Pro-choice means a woman who is against having an abortion isn’t made to have one, just as it means a woman who is against being pregnant is not forced to endure it.

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You’ve managed to restore a little of my faith in humanity, although it’s still fallen pretty low. The only thing that would make me genuinely feel better is if some of those who are pissed off about this could actually win an election to statewide office and end the foolishness you describe.

I summon Mr. Swift…