Trailer for new 'Godzilla' movie looks pretty cool

I think Star Trek showed us that audiences love humans gettin’ it on with Rubber Forehead Aliens. And Ringworld does it one better by having an actual science reason for all the “aliens” to be sexually compatible and look like humans in makeup! It’s basically designed for interspecies boning.

Godzilla looks a bit chubby. Did they put two guys in that suit?

That’s the thing, there’s no watering down necessary. Minor spoilers for Ringworld/Known Space:

In the four main Ringworld novels, rishathra was by definition only possible between Pak-descended hominids, i.e. Earth humans and various sentient Ringworld species. Genuine aliens (puppeteers, kzin, trinocs, whatever) couldn’t participate if they wanted to, because they’re no more sexually compatible with us than we are with, say, lobsters. So the only characters doing rishathra would in fact be human actors with makeup and facial prosthetics.

How come nobody ever wrecks the Bay Bridge? It’s even got that fancy new span, which should be novelly destructible.

Didn’t you see Godzilla vs. Loma Prieta back in '89?

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