Originally published at: Truck-size asteroid will pass extraordinarily close to Earth today | Boing Boing
estimated to be 11.5 to 28 feet (3.5 to 8.5 meters) across
So a juvenile giraffe to minke-whale sized asteroid, then?
What kind of truck? A 1975 Datsun pickup or a Mack truck? Does it include the trailer?
Large asteroid the size of a small asteroid.
Thank Krishna’s cornflakes for “amateur astronomers” looking out(wards) for us! That way our “space force” [martial music mode] can take the credit for keeping us safe.
Please be more specific. According to the JPL:
“…the asteroid will zoom over the southern tip of South America at about 4:27 p.m. PST (7:27 p.m. EST)”
Ah, I just figured it was going to stop stationary above the planet, like a truck at a rest stop, and wait exactly at the 4:27 pm line while the earth rotates under it for a day.
I believe London buses and brontosauri are the only acceptable units of length.
maybe this is one of those “probes of these billions of interstellar civilizations visit(ing) our planet scoping out our technological state”
I don’t know wether we should try to make contact or turn the lights off and pretend no one is home.
How can you be enamored of cosmological events and simultaneously ignorant of time zones? /smh
How about a banana for scale? “Just look at it!” I have one here holds banana up to screen
Just look at it!
Yep. UK radio tells us it’s the size of a bus.
(Crazy US measurements! Trucks, indeed).
Came here for this.
And what about the mileage?
Is Musk at it again?
An SI bus (10 kiloteapots)?
That’s just perfect.