Originally published at: Truck tire sends Kia Soul flying | Boing Boing
I love how the wheel comes back to tap the Kia in the butt afterwards, as if literally adding insult to injury.
The may have been unscathed but I bet they needed new underware
Yup. A-hole with modified lifted truck negligently nearly kills someone. Probably has wheel spacers to handle the oversize radically offset wheels that add zero functionality and just ‘look cool’. There were definitely warning signs to the driver of that truck that something wasn’t right in the front end before that wheel spontaneously fell off.
Speaks well of Kia for safety though.
@Rusty_Blazenhoff that’s a whole damned wheel, not a tire! Also thank you for letting us know the Kia driver was alright. It really didn’t look like they were alright
The reddit post has the video, so if anyone wants to avoid giving clicks to twitter you can check for it there
If you pitched what happened in this video in an action movie production meeting people would think it’s too unrealistic.
And it definitely looked like it was a slate black color.
(That typo was the OP, not @Rusty_Blazenhoff , tho)
ETA: This Kia Soul…the automobile version of rising to heaven.
ETA ETA: The Rapture. That’s the word that was escaping me…
That bit at the end reminded me of this.
This is why car fenders have to cover the wheels. When two spinning tires touch, it’s very very easy for one of them to climb up on the other and send the car flying. This happens all the time in open-wheel racing and is why open wheels are so dangerous. It’s unlikely to happen with a loose wheel, but it can happen, as shown here.
Think about this every time you see a boy racer car or brodozer truck who’s tires stick out past the fenders. This is illegal and now you know why.
Definitely black and not rouge, as claimed.
Pedantry ftw!
Yeah, there’s some strong “Fuck this Kia in particular, fuck it so much” energy about that tire.
Did the Kia wrong it in a previous life or something?
Kia Soul, KIA.
The crimes follow the Soul…
How about dumb shit like this? I see stuff like this in the Houston/Austin area every now and then. Sometimes you’ll see similar stuff on lifted trucks or on semis where the lug nuts extend way past the side of the wheel/car
i like that and will add that to my lexicon.
Yeah- that’s a “brown pants” moment.
That’s the owner’s way of saying “STAY AWAY FROM MY RIDE.” And also, distressingly illegal.
What I find so amazing as an indicator of how fast this all occurred:
By the time they saw what was happening and their foot had switched to the brake pedal, they were already launched into the air!
That’s probably why the brake lights come on on the upwards launch I bet.
At least that doesn’t look like it would cause a catastrophic mechanical failure.
Per @VeronicaConnor’s observations:
My dad was a highway patrolman in MO and he absolutely hated lifted or modded suspensions. There was a kid in town whose mom was quadrapelegic because his dad always lifted their vehicles, which at some point led to an accident that nearly killed his wife and left her permanently disabled. The reason I know this is because I commented once on how cool their van looked and he let me know just how much of an asshole he thought the guy was. The crazy part is that he had a jacked econoline van at that point that was equipped with a sliding door lift gate for her powered wheelchair. He didn’t get as angry about anything as much as he did people doing stupid shit to their vehicles and endangering people. One day when we were on vacation and pulling out of a gas station he slammed on the brakes, took out his badge and ran up to a truck in which a toddler was standing on the front seat. Told them he was calling the local patrolman and if he left the parking lot without the child being safely secured he would personally make sure he went to jail that day. He was livid.
Probably had to do with all of the dead and mangled people, including children that he knew personally, that he dealt with on a daily basis.
He also hated the Pontiac Fiero for similar reasons.
Kudos to the KIA for protecting its peoples. Fuck that truck, and thank you for yet another thing to be alert for on the road.