Yeah, sure; that’s totally how we Black folks ended slavery, then Jim Crow…
Context is everything here.
If a black person chooses to reclaim the N-word as a term of endearment with his peers then that changes the context from hate speech into something else.
If a white person then continues to use the N-word to attack black people then he’s still retaining the original hateful context.
The Trump administration is using this symbol in a similar way the how the Nazis used it, not in a way that fundamentally recontextualizes it.
Awww fuck, you’re right. I’m sorry for using that scenario to make my case when it SO CLEARLY does not apply to people locked in slavery or genocide camps. Ugh, I’m just going to stop talking and get some more liquid wake juice in me.
You know, this one is totally on me here. When I first read the story, I assumed the ad had a photo of a bunch of angry protesters and they were using it to scare people into voting for Trump. I assumed one of the protesters had a sign with the red triangle denoting their particular leftist movement.
But I just google the ad, and holey moley, you’re right - that is a big ol’ pile of intentional hate speech front and center!
Thank you facebook for doing at least ONE right thing in your whole career! UGH!
From my point of view, it’s depressing.
I want to be wrong, because that would mean that things aren’t as bad as they seem. But I have only underestimated how shitty the Trump administration would be, because I couldn’t believe that the US government would go fascist as quickly as it did.
Britain is going down the same road too. Maybe it’s time to think of what I need in a bugout bag.
I think they must be trying to start a race war as the only way to stay in power, or as the last chance for Miller to use the presidency this way, but we’ve got a message for them:
@someguy, I really want to see Gary Clark Jr. cover All you Fascists…
It’s not like the wild predictions many of us had were meant to be aspirational or anything, ya know?
Right? Having a nightmare come true is hardly comforting. I’d like very much to be in a world where all my anxieties about my government were the product of my fertile imagination and nothing else.
It’s far worse than many of us feared:
We all stand to suffer greatly, should the horrific farce that is happening before our eyes come to fruition, and the fact that you care about some of us (whom you’d maybe even fight to death for) won’t lessen that suffering; not even one iota.
“ What’s the worst that could happen ?” is terrible logic to proceed with IMO, especially when the stakes are so very high.
Because when the shit finally hits the fan, it’s never as bad as we expected; it’s always worse.
/end rant
Who is this 1%?
I am hearing this as a Weird Al version of The Hooters All You Zombies, but I could be wrong…
It’s an article of faith in the Bannon/Miller zone that if they can just get enough white racists excited about reelecting Trump that’s all they need
Doesn’t sound like a good plan to me, but it worked for them the first time
Black triangle was being used by lesbians in early eighties Northern England - I was told that it was an ‘Up Yours’ to the Nazis. Professor Wikipedia has something to say here:
The black triangle was a badge used in Nazi concentration camps to mark prisoners regarded " anti-social " and “arbeitsscheu” (work-shy). Those considered anti-social included alcoholics, homeless, gypsies,[1] beggars, nomads, and prostitutes. Women deemed to be anti-social included sex-workers, nonconformists, and lesbians. Trans men were included in this jurisdiction because they were viewed as mentally ill or homosexual women due to the difference between their gender presentation/gender identity and their assigned gender at birth. The term “asocial” was originally applied to heterosexual women who engaged in sex outside of marriage, which included prostitutes.[2]
So it seems to have been pretty much the default for non-Jewish people of whom the Nazis did not approve.
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