Trump appointed the author of "100 Secrets and Habits of the Illuminati for Life Success" to the Commission on Presidential Scholars

Or the Illuminati Butt Trilogy with Chuck Tingle.


Learn Illuminati secrets with this one wierd trick…


All else is distraction. All of the Tomfuckery of the last three years, indeed, Trump’s decades of squandering billions and establishing himself as a gilded idiot has been leading up to this one move.


Land war in Asia, Death with Sicilian, that scene will never get old.


Well, I would like to see a Cabinet of Lizard Management with David Icke as Secretary. This would absolutely root out the damnable overlords and then we can finally get on with the rightful business of making a futures market for EVERYTHING! (including farts, failed fireworks displays, and Letterman reruns on YouTube)

What even is the grave?

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