Trump bizarrely blames Harris for turned-Black remark: "She said it. I didn't say it" (video)

“Oh, you can tell how sharp the man is by how he keeps up with the latest slang!”

Speaking of youth,

in addition, seems there’s been less “millennials are ruining x” or “millenials are spoiled brats” sentiment floating around too. And scarcely any grief at all over Z/A. (forgive me though if that is still going on and I’ve only successfully distanced myself from it)




But then the surviving editors would have a shot at the job and potentially nicer office of the deceased.
Resulting headline: “Typical Americans Elated at Upward Mobility in the Trump Era”


Had to check the date on that… WTF???


It’s generated by a Markov chain using a corpus of Trump tweets.

I made sure that “Automatic Donald Trump” and “Make Donald Tweet Again” were in the screenshot.


I did say “maybe”, didn’t I.


It would have to be undeniable and a source of financial concern to his conservative Wall Street donors, to the point that they were talking about it openly at the cocktail parties the senior editors/courtiers are allowed to attend.

Otherwise, Joe Kahn and his ilk are going to keep pretending that this is a person who’s fit to hold the office of President. The more he declines, the more pieces we’ll see about MAGAts in Real American™ diners expressing their support for him.

The NYT serves a very specific audience: high net worth individuals who live or once lived in Manhattan or gentrified Brooklyn, and to a lesser extent those realistically working toward that status. Their ideology doesn’t matter to its editors so much as their financial and social class. When you read and appreciate the good, solid reporting that the paper does – it does a lot of that as well as part of its service – and you’re not in that club, keep in mind that that they’re table scraps.


I haven’t heard from this asshole in a long time. Not long enough.


Then Ivanka or somebody will go on stage to interpret for him.

TRUMP: Ill eee all!

IVANKA: Kamala Harris has done nothing to stop illegals crossing our borders. My father will make our borders strong again!


This seems the likeliest scenario. Own it, GOP.


Isn’t that what they’re doing already with the media cleaning stuff up before printing?



President Ronald Wilson “Raygun” Regan. He was, documentably, senile and demented, with Alzheimers and declining mental ability even before being elected to president, according to his son. Geriatric specialists have agreed, as has ex-post-facto analysis of his public appearances and mannerisms by doctors specializing in such matters. Regan’s doctors, however, claimed he was fully competent with no sign of mental decline until 1993, which the New York Times cheerfully reported on in 1997. Meanwhile, it has come out that he and his wife were relying on a con-woman whose fortune telling business was doing booming trade with people who wanted the president’s ear, his wife after his death later admitted she knew he’d been in decline for some time even before the presidency, and there are multiple reports of him “fading” during conversations and just staring into space before recovering while he was President. But the doctors could find no issue.

So, to answer your question, it would seem that the NYT would never admit that a Republican figure had “lost the plot,” not until they’re firmly out of office, and preferably dead, and that there are plenty of partisan doctors who will cheerfully promulgate that conspiracy to the detriment of, well, everyone else.


TFG is far worse than Reagan was, both cognitively and as “a leader;” and that’s saying something considering how terrible Ronnie actually was.

I’m not saying they will ever own up to the truth, just that this isn’t “exactly” like 40 years ago…


If the Pitchbot achieves a revenue stream larger than the NYT, that’s when the NYT would reform. Or never. Whichever comes first.


Great point. This is yet another prime example of this fool’s remarkable lizard brain cunning. In this exchange, Trump wins the point because he gets the last word on the subject even though the sane and informed among us know he’s clearly spouting nonsense. Unfortunately, his message is fine tuned to target those without the ability to discern between reality and a clearly made up lie. Trump is a diabolically perfect chaos agent in today’s media landscape because reporters simply aren’t allowed enough oxygen to keep from drowning under his constant flood of bullshit. And in the extremely rare event that they are, the rebuttal goes straight to the cutting room floor in the vast majority of newsrooms before it is presented to the unsuspecting public as the entire truth of the exchange. This soundbite and thousands more just like it were always destined to end with him “winning the point”.


I’m not a fan of Lawrence O’Donnell, but he’s right that the only responsible way to cover T**** is to either dedicate the entire right side of the screen with fact-checking (it’s not as hard as he makes it out - just start with 1000 rows of “This is a lie” and you’re 95% there) or to just not cover him in real-time.

When he calls a presser, send a reporter but no camera crew. Take notes. Report live outside the venue after the event and summarize.

“This is Generic Reporter for CNN outside Mar-a-Lago. Former president and convicted fraudster Donald T**** just gave an hour-long press conference in which he repeatedly rambled incoherently, lied, and seems to have caved on his previous cancellation of his debate with Vice President Harris on September 10th. He also bizarrely thinks that there are two other debates scheduled, but we have no confirmation of those from the Harris campaign. That’s all I have Jake, except I need a shower and the last hour of my life back.”


Weighing Options Are You Sure GIF

who are not the majority of us. His hardcore supporters don’t make up even half the population. Why should we give “points” or any credence to whatever dumb shit they believe?

Things are changing, though. The media is finally starting to do their jobs here.

None of this is a game, though. Treating it like a game isn’t helpful.

This seems to be starting to happen, at least the fact checking part, if not the not showing up with cameras part…


Britney Spears What GIF