Trump calls John Bolton a 'Sick Puppy,' and puppies must be fired

Polk had many accomplishments during his presidency, but he was an avid supporter of Andrew Jackson, and a slaveholder. He also stoked the deep divisions present in the country at the time and is considered by historians to have laid the groundwork for the Civil War.


A larger and larger portion of our society has been regressing back to middle school mentality for the better part of 2 decades, where the prime directive is being Popular within some defined peer group. Somehow acting like a bratty oblivious 10 year old is the clear path to “success.” (See: Politicians, pundits, influencers, trollies, edgelords …). And It’s such a weird coincidence that our current attention-seeking dysfunctional environment aligns so neatly with the growth of 24-hour-news and social media. < /s >


I love the “which is getting terrible reviews” aside. He cannot help himself.

Pssst, Don… oh Donny boy… the Long-Con Don… if it’s getting terrible reviews, why do you care enough to signal boost the book?


I think the only solution for the Trump vs. Bolton conflict is Thunderdome – two men enter, one man leaves. Or not. They’re both fairly old and out of shape.


I have a theory that Trump’s use of the term “sick puppy” has nothing to do with its normal meaning of “a mentally ill person” (nice how that applies to the term and Trump) and that “puppy” is not the relevant part. Trump actually does think the term refers to a puppy that has an illness and that he is so repulsed by sickness and germs that he uses that as an insult. He actually believes that’s what you do with an ill dog (or person)- get rid of it.

He’s a scary mix of stupidity and callousness

Clearly Trump is losing it. He’s normally so good at coming up with pejorative nicknames.

“Sick puppy?” I mean, really. Who doesn’t love a puppy?

Trump better go back to his bunker and think up something better. Something walrus related.

I dunno, when I see Bolton I think of this guy:


A good thing. Drumpf would just abuse a pet.

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He takes no responsibility at all.


Unfortunately, there’s a gently sloping ramp leading to the Thunderdome floor, so only one man will enter.


Even though I prefer cats as companions, I have learned to love dogs. Especially mutts. Dogs are great judges of character, so it’s no wonder the fake rich guy, this Hochstapler has to use “puppy” as an insult.


The White House already tried to block publication by claiming the book contains “classified” content, which is essentially an admission it is true. There’s no such thing as a classified lie.


Indeed. He deserves a star on the forehead for effort. :star:

There you go again; applying logic to something the Trump administration does…


First he said it was classified information. Now he’s saying its all lies and fairy tales. Please note: it can’t be both (or can it?)

He didn’t invent “sick puppy”, but he did reach back to the 70s for it. That’s where he lives, hangin’ out with Hef, grabbin’ pussies and mastering the (limited tri-state) universe.

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