Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/18/trump-calls-bolton-sick-puppy.html
I’m impressed he used the word “compilation”.
What is it with that guy and dogs?
Scroll to the bottom of the table for yet another measure of ⊥rump’s abnormality.
Recall that one of the administration’s very first acts was to remove a public list of abusive puppy mills from the USDA website.
He really does hate puppies.
And yeah, he can’t say that what Bolton says is covered by NDA or classification rules, and also is not true.
So, as a non-American who doesn’t know a lot about presidential history: what was wrong with the other non pet owner on the list? Was James K. Polk an equally horrible human being?
He’s a son of a bitch.
I’m guessing puppies, much like bald eagles, know a piece of shit when they see one and Donnie knows this.
I don’t think he wrote that tweet. It’s lacking the random capitalization. Judging by his shakiness and eyesight issues, I think he might be to the point where he has to dictate his tweets and have someone else type them.
Perhaps they suggested the word “compilation”. After all, that’s 4 syllables. I don’t think he knows words that complicated.
What did he say about Bolton when he was first hired?
Many puppies succumb to parvovirus; “Even trace amounts of feces from an infected dog may harbor the virus and infect other dogs that come into the infected environment.” Bolton got too close for too long.
“which is getting terrible reviews”
I love how EVERYTHING is a popularity contest with this guy.
Like somehow vague peer pressure is going to work over a tweet?
Is that all he has left in his “bully tool kit?”
Man couldn’t handle the bully pulpit, so he broke it.
I’m afraid I’ve developed a mental filter: any time I see a headline with the words “Trump” and “Twitter”, I don’t even bother anymore. The photons generated by those pixels ain’t worth my rods and cones, man.
Parse this sentence: “Many of the ridiculous statements he attributes to me were never made, pure fiction.”
The use of ‘many’ instead of ‘all’ means that he concurs that some of the ‘ridiculous statements’ published by Bolton about Trump are true.
love how this guy throws unlimited invective at people who he was responsible for hiring. Um, if they’re all so horrible, any of the blame for them being so blow back on you for choosing to bring them onboard in the first place?
Multiple tweets out there using “only hire the best people” as the punch line. My favorite was one that listed out all the former Trump hires who are now suddenly “dopes” according to him.
Who’s the real dope here? Bolton is a warmongering prick, but I don’t think he’s a moron, unlike Trump.
IKR? And it’s trickling down. I heard a story about the protests on the radio yesterday, and the argument being made by the counter protestors was along the lines of, “Do you know what everyone is saying about you? Do you know the bad things people are saying about you?”
Like, there’s no actual right or wrong in their minds, it just boils down to what people are saying, or the reviews, or whatever. It’s insane.
Obligatory complaining on the constant retweeting of his lies. How do people/journalists still not get that displaying his crap - either in headlines or even under your oh-so-cutting Twitter reply - is still spreading his horrible messages for him and defining the narrative on his terms? Frame it as the inconsistent hypocritical baseless diversionary tactic it is, don’t just repeat what he says with a dash of what you think is subtle and clever. It’s not helping.
At times like this, I remember that the sitting President of the United States attacks the leaders in whom he entrusted the security of our nation in the same manner he had previously reserved for Rosie O’Donnell.