Didn’t one of the GOP senators said the same like a year ago, basically accused of democrats of stealing the election, except EVERYTHING he then claimed the democrats did are ABSOLUTELY legal?
You mean the same oath keepers that showed up on January 6th to help overthrown the election? Those assholes?
Pretty much ALL of the so-called militia groups are mistaken on what the constitution says and are operating outside of the law.
Love it when they say not to listen to what TFG says. He always tells his future plans/ambitions/lunacy. If people had believed whatever outrageous things he said, we’d be in a lot better shape. The corruption, bribery and self-dealing may have still occurred, but maybe he’d have been called out on it.
His supporters would never call him out on it. They like this shit. And I think the people who were going to anyway have been… I think it’s really on the GOP leadership for letting him run and giving him a serious platform in the first place.
Maybe I’m missing some nuance between the “big C” and “little c” versions of “communist,” but I don’t get what you mean here. Can you clarify?
If their cloven feet could curl in delicious suspense, they would.
They pretty much arrived pre-greased for the slide-in and hookup, i.e., – amongst other things --they are easy to frighten.
(exerpt) Per the findings in a 2008 paper forty-six individuals with strong political attitudes were exposed to three threatening images mixed among 30 neutral ones, and their physiological responses (changes in skin conductance level) were compared to their political attitudes on 18 issues related to “protecting the interests of the participants’ group, defined as the United States in mid-2007, from threats.” The more conservative “group protective” participants showed “an increase in skin conductance when threatening stimuli were presented,” while those who were more liberal, less “group protective” were “mostly unaffected by those same stimuli” — a difference that was statistically significant.
Silence means consent.
I mean communist party as in something like the version in China.
This is a really salient point. It’s the political equivalent of dehumanizing your enemy in war because it gives you permission to do inhumane things to them.
It’s scary stuff that people think this way in politics now.
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