Trump campaign: "we can safely assume" 201 electoral votes

This is still my favorite graphic.


They all just remind me that the Electoral College system is jacked beyond belief—even before you consider the gerrymandering.

The goal should be one-citizen-one-vote. Technology may not have allowed that in the past but it sure does now.


It’s a thing that’s hard to explain; if I “know” that there’s a color difference, I can definitely see it. But if I’m just scrolling past and only expecting red vs. blue, it definitely blends with the reds.

The most illustrative example of real-life stuff is that it’s hard for me to pick strawberries. The berries are usually in pretty low-light (under leaves of the plants), and against a background of muted greens and browns. If you point out a strawberry, yes, I’ll see it as a bright red strawberry. No problem. If you ask me to pick strawberries on my own I’ll get maybe a handful in the time it takes somebody else to get a bucket-full.


We all end up in one tribe or another. It’s like a game of Duck-Duck-Goose…


Try this from 538:

Where 1 hex equals 1 electoral vote. The link is to an interactive version.

Edit- Gah… never mind, my post was superseded by someone else with the same bright idea.
This cartogram representation is still pretty nifty, though.


That one always looks like electoral-college Candyland to me.


But what about a rousing game of duck-duck-goose-SCREAMERS!!!


GA is so close there… so very close to going blue.


It’s the next domino to fall, if you believe the 538 polls-only model. Something that could be possible if Trump really thinks this is in the bag- taking his eye off the ball, and you factor in a better Democratic ground game.

Followed quickly by Alaska?! This election is weird (although not much weirder than Obama somehow winning Indiana)


I had a nice conversation with someone on a plane the other day.

Middle seat guy: There are X million dead people registered to vote! FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD!
Me: But they aren’t actually voting – there’s a difference between registered to vote, and voting while dead. If this plane went down, you and I would be dead and registered to vote. But nobody would be going to the booth and signing our names
< long pause >
Middle seat guy: That’s a good point. I didn’t think of that.
Me: No, you didn’t. That’s because you’re stupid. And stupid people don’t think. They just repeat what they hear.

( ok last part I didn’t say out loud)


Totally agreed. I think Minnesota is the major fudge here. “How can we make it look like Trump already has a healthy lead, and just needs to eke out those last few states. Oh, Minnesota has red states to its west and ‘battelgrounds’ otherwise; nobody will ever notice.”

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What’s up with Wyoming?

I thought it was a lovely looking place when we visited, but I don’t think I could cope with a place where Trump is still winning by > 30%.

(weirdly, he got annihilated in the Primary - only got 7.2%…)


It might help if Clinton sent someone to campaign here (outside of the ATL) or even came herself.

But Trump seems to be spending a whole lot of time down in America’s wang, which sort of shows their lack of preparedness and strategy.


I was in junior high in Minnesota and felt like we were the only state containing sane people.

[edt] @Mindysan33: Duck, Duck, SCREAMERS, would’ve been a more sensical game than the Duck, Duck, Grey Duck kids in MN play (don’t get me started on this one, it’s incomprehensible to me).


Apparently Clinton is doing much better (vs. Obama) in the more diverse southern states than she is in the working class whiter ones up north. I’d have thought that GA really should have been in play. If she isn’t really trying I don’t understand that.

EDIT: I think it was this article I’m thinking of…



ETA: I never realized it, but McMullin’s VP candidate is a woman, 36 years old, and Jewish.

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I like this one:


I do hope you said it non-verbally with at least one eyebrow…


I’m out.

< j/k folks. nobody loves jewish women more than me >


I recall reading something in the New Republic that Clinton shouldn’t get greedy-- her lead collapsed in September, and her position in Ohio and Pennsylvania went with it, seriously jeopardizing her chances for 270.

And this article argues that Georgia isn’t a swing state