Trump CEO councils disband over President's response to Charlottesville racist violence

Trump has adopted the confederate flag as his own.

white flag


Trump just cancelled his fake council that he never had any plan for. At least this gave him the excuse even if it is a terrible one.


Sneak preview of Trump’s public statement when Melania finally leaves him.


It’s already reaching the point where conservatives can no longer defend Trump.

Can you imagine the stress of four years of having to defend this madness to everyone you know? At some point you just run out of mulligans and excuses.




So good old weev is now running the Daily Stormer? I’m way behind the times


1252 days, 7 hours, 25 minutes, and 1 second.

not that i’m counting.


There might be a second term though…

oh dear god, don’t even. :crying_cat_face:

actually, what i suspect is that if it comes to that – by the time there were to be a second term, there will be no terms to be had.




No, there won’t.

This much fuckery, toxicity and incompetence, at only 6 months in? I don’t see him making it the full 4 years, let alone surviving a reelection.

I’ll bet dollars to donuts all that ‘2020 campaign’ funding is being siphoned off into private coffers even as we speak… er, type.


Cunning. A donut is going to be worth more then a dollar after three more years of this.


I’m still holding out hope for a stress-induced stroke or heart attack, personally.


Holy shit. They are actively trying to get into a fight.

I am a pacifist, but if my kid had been killed by these morons and they then showed up to protest said kid’s funeral I honestly don’t know if I could handle it.


That is almost certainly the end game of this shitshow. At some point he and his cronies will sieze power because of the BLM/Antifa ‘terrorists’ (their words, not mine).

Then we will see how strong of an immune system your country has against this sort of thing (so far you have a non life threatening infection).

I’m not sure even he would be so foolish as to think he would be successful. Given the opposition he’s already experiencing from military leaders, he would have no solid foundation for enforcing such a power grab.

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Not a chance. There isn’t a war they can dream up, there isn’t a ballot box they can stuff, there isn’t a dog they can wag to get this man elected again. He is incompetent at being a political leader and will flub any attempt his diminishing power base in D.C. makes at rehabilitating him in the public eye. The only way for him to be president beyond the time indicated in @gatto’s link is unconstitutionally.
In fact, the problem with that link is that it says that that’s how long until he leaves office. It’s not. It’s the maximum possible time until he is gone from office. Bettors are putting the chances of an earlier exit at about 40% right now.


I’ve been scanning the news feeds all day, and haven’t seen any mention of the Nazis actually showing up.

Though it seems some antifa did, just in case, I guess.


It’s funny when you say you don’t think he would be so foolish. I’m not saying he will succeed, I am saying that I think he will try. In the end it will be his last chance, because this is by no means the last destructive thing he will do.

I suspect such a power grab will coincide with a last ditch attempt to self pardon, or to pardon his entire entourage (and throw in a few pardons for the base as well). Combine that with a blatant appeal to his base to militarize and brutalize the opposition, and an order to the military to stand aside (which they might very well do) and he might succeed.

He doesn’t need the army to seize power, he just needs them to sit it out while he co-opts the police forces and formalizes some militias. There are many precedents for this sort of thing.

If opposition are being arrested, killed or otherwise brutalized with impunity, it becomes harder to resist. How many of us can or will give up our homes, lives and families (or risk all of them) if the likelihood of losing them becomes very high?


The Cabinet needs to call in their “unfit for office” constitutional power to get him out ‘soon’

I looked this up to make sure, Pence & Ryan would have to go along with this for what i said to move forward, which is unlikely they’ll do :frowning:

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