Trump charged with 37 federal crimes

A US congressman calling on terrorists to attack the country because trump might see some accountability for some of his crimes:

President Trump said he has been summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday, at 3 PM. This is a perimeter probe from the oppressors. Hold. rPOTUS has this. Buckle up. 1/50K know your bridges. Rock steady calm. That is all.
-idiot congressman from Lafayette, LA (and former cop) crying about being “oppressed”


This obviously isn’t the root of the problem; or the biggest complaint would be “why does florida man get to expense a SCIF because he doesn’t feel like working in the office?”; but it is also the case that ‘some government office’ simply wasn’t where Trump worked a pretty substantial portion of the time.

He spent ~1/3 of his time in office either visiting or staying at one of his properties(and billing the secret service and similar for the privilege at questionable and opaque rates; because why not self deal?); and was quite open, at least in rough outline, about a great deal of official business being done at personal venues.


Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund has invested $2 billion in Jared Kushner’s investment fund.

The Saudi fund’s advisers didn’t think that it was a good idea.

Advisers for the Public Investment Fund, the Saudi government’s sovereign wealth fund, expressed several concerns about the transaction—including the inexperience of Affinity management, the degree of risk to be assumed by the Saudi kingdom, an “excessive” management fee, and a finding that Affinity’s operations were “unsatisfactory in all aspects”. However, PIF management overruled them and invested $2 billion in Kushner’s firm, only six months after Kushner had left the White House.

I wonder what the Saudis got in return for for their $2 billion.

However, over the years there have been media reports of Saudi Arabia’s intent to purchase a nuclear weapon from an outside source. In 2003, a leaked strategy paper laid out three possible options for the Saudi government: to acquire a nuclear deterrent, to ally with and become protected by an existing nuclear nation, or to try to reach agreement on having a nuclear-free Middle East. UN officials and weapons experts have suggested the review was prompted by a distancing of relations with the United States, concerns over Iran’s nuclear program, and a lack of international pressure on Israel to give up its nuclear weapons.


Maybe a lot of classified documents.

Plausibly connecting these dots doesn’t seem to require a lot of stretching.


Kristen Wiig Yep GIF by Where’d You Go Bernadette

Absolutely… probably not just the Saudis, but it’s not secret that they want nuclear weapons, because of their fears of the Iranians maybe getting them… but, of course, now there is some re-approachment here between them (and possibly between them and the Israelis, the only power in the region we know have nukes).


Hey look, wackadoodle is threatening everyone including Garland and the reporters that were present.


75 million Americans



I’m gonna call it, that the GA GOP has been fully hijacked by the extremists. They’re gonna go after more moderate candidates to take them down, and it very much could split the party in the state…

@milliefink, I’m guessing she means the number of people who voted for Trump… I doubt that many would commit violence for Trump, though. It’s more than enough people who would and will, who will cause problems for us, though.


every time someone says stuff like that, i am still profoundly shocked how many people pretend to care about the shamble that is ■■■■■. he isn’t even a loving family man or anything. he has no skills, no vision, and is just awful to everyone. it’s wild.


Yep, thus my dubeity.

gwen stefani GIF by uDiscoverMusic


Yeah. He does indeed somehow maintain an oddly high level of shambolic capital.


Well, there is still Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia Secretary of State who met the very low bar of refusing to help Trump steal the election. Trump then vilified him and endorsed a primary opponent to oust him, but Raffensperger managed to get reelected last year.

The man certainly isn’t a paragon of virtue and I hate most of what he stands for but he remains less extreme than many others in his party, and has received abuse and threats to his family as a result.

(Edit to add: he has been criticized for purging voter rolls, not having ballot applications in languages other than English, and other voter-suppression methods, so I should clarify that he was refusing to help Trump to steal the election directly by falsifying the final vote count. Which is obviously the lowest of low bars.)


The Clinton Socks Case?


Maybe Old Norse got it from Finland? Finnish is such an old and unique language, so maybe.

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I assume because he wanted to show off AND sell off as much as he could.

You are absolutely right that there would be no reason for a non-criminal to steal this much work product after they were fired.

ETA: late to the thread, and clearly I owe everyone a Coke!

black and white vintage GIF by Okkult Motion Pictures


No prob, it was worth it for your last sentence!


There is a reason why companies escort the ex-employee out of the building ASAP to prevent this to happen.




These people have big mouths, but after the last indictment (!) they did nothing. I suspect it’ll be the same this time. Keeping eyes open, however.


I keep thinking about Trump’s non sequitur before this “Saudi Arabia pays cash”. Not to the US government they don’t, but TFG is very iffy in his mind on where the government’s possessions end and his begins.