Trump claims victory based on lawn signs, says votes unnecessary —"We don't need the votes. I have so many votes."

This sounds stupid, but there’s a purpose to it.

The (questionable) claim he’s making is that everyone supports him (based on the “evidence” of the lawn signs he claims to have seen). People who do support him will see the same thing – Trump signs everywhere. This is partly a product of the places where they live – if you support Trump, you’re likely to be surrounded by other Trump voters, partly confirmation bias, and partly due to the fact that Trump supporters are more likely to set out lawn signs, because they’re more fanatical about Trump.

So if Trump loses, they will have two conflicting facts – (a) there seemed to be massive support for Trump, but (b) he lost. And Trump will be happy to provide an explanation: the election was rigged.

The point is to set up the narrative that he can’t possibly lose, in preparation for disputing a Democratic victory.


I haven’t seen those in my very red county across the bridge yet. I did see my first upside-down flag yesterday, though. Oddly, it was still right-side up after the assassination attempt. I think they only flipped it after the outpouring of support for Harris.


I don’t know…I heard a recent one ended with a bang.

Too soon? :grimacing:


After the paper cut I saw an upside down flag flying at half mast.


Nah, he thinks there’s only five poll booths in the country. And you have to flush 10, 15 times to have your vote counted…

Exposure to T**** is punishment, not payment.


living in a very red state (that can change), i am seeing fewer tRump signs than in the last two elections. so many very wealthy second home owners tend to skew some of the predominant narrative here. those folks don’t vote in Monroe County, but their influence is felt.
where one sees the tRump signs tends to be in the neighborhoods and areas that are more typically “conservative” voter (read: less educated, white, reactionary). the house halfway down my own street used to fly a “god, guns, trump” flag. that abomination is gone now, as that person skipped out in the middle of a night a year ago.the flags, signs and even the tRump campaign hq are gone now.

the difference between the keys and the mainland, however, is Key West (IYKYK). the MAGAt agenda will not fly there. hell, even during prohibition, not a single bar in Key West stopped openly selling alcohol, in the classic Conch FU to Washington.


”We don’t need the votes. I have so many votes.”

In every other universe, the reply to this is “Yes, yes, grampa. Now let’s get you ready for your nap.”


I haven’t seen a F&F clip in a while - did they add a token black guy so they could say they are balanced?


In my area I do still see a few, mostly in front of the houses that haven’t taken them down since 2020, but even quite a few of those have come down recently. I take that as a good sign!


“Exposure” can also mean “being left in the cold”, so…

Why is it “breaking news” that Trump calls in to Fox & Friends, though? Doesn’t he do that all the time?


Meanwhile, back in Blighty, the last general election saw the rise of a battle of lawn signs being waged by the local estate agents. Very few political ones at all compared to the previous election.

“Sold” and “Under Offer” were coming out ahead of “For Sale” which is the norm in the summer and autumn months.


pro malo, no doubt about it.


And what will they do in the next iteration of Make Attorneys Get Attorneys?


Agreed. I’m taking this as a pretty clear signal that the fix is in and it’s bigger and more comprehensive than ever before. I’m old enough to remember Karl assbag Rove nearly falling off his chair when Fox called Ohio for Obama knowing full well the RNC owned Diebold. This election is going to be an order of magnitude worse. What in the world would give them the confidence to publish a coke fueled Christofascist wet dream like Project 2025 ahead of the election if they thought even for a second that they might lose? The Supreme Court is mask-off in the bag for this bullshit now so who knows how it will shake out


And even once she is officially announced, the number of signs is a flawed measure of support and enthusiasm. Maybe it’ll be different than last time he ran, but around here the trumpers feel free to put their signs and bumper stickers and t-shirts and such out and in everyone’s faces because the “others” (us) aren’t violent. The worst they may face is someone giving them the side eye. Meanwhile, people with Hilary signs were getting their lawns vandalized, and the vandals are often the same people we know crow about 2amendment rights.


Yep. Those lawyers won’t be at the polling places, though. One, there’s no judge there, so nothing they could do that a halfway educated poll watcher couldn’t. Two, if the purpose is to gather evidence the lawyer would make her/him/theirself a witness and could not be a lawyer in the case. So either he is addled (Adderalled?) again, or maybe his stupid plan is actually to send expensive attorneys instead of poll-watchers/intimidators. Who knows.


Around where I live in the Witney constituency, there was a massive show of support for Lib-Dem. The constituency was one of their major targets, rightly so because while it’s a pretty posh area, a lot of people were disgusted by the Tories. Anyway, the Lib-Dems won.


Maybe they meant to post it under “breaking wind” and “breaking news” ended up pulling double doodie? :thinking:


This is a gas station near me that won’t be getting any of my 150 bucks a week work vehicle fuel fill ups.

They were showing off their merchandise tonight.

There’s also a VFW hall near us with a trump shrine and a merchandise tent. I wonder how that works.

But, if stupid merchandise equals votes…


That’s easy. All the reports of Trump expressing contempt for soldiers are “FAKE NEWS!!!”