Trump confused (again!) in today's new tweet about Obama and Guantanamo

Nicely done sir!


Hadn’t thought of this before, but I guess it’s possible Drumpf gets paid by the click. That would also partially explain the reluctance to release tax returns.


This is Wire Täpp!


Hence, horrible shadow!/ Unreal mockery, hence! [ EXIT GHOST OF OBAMA]


Two words: Steve Bannon

So you were unaware of the healthcare repeal they floated out today? And yet you’re very well aware of how he misattributed gitmo prisoner releases. Wonder who that helps…


Y’all are missing a crucial point here: It doesn’t matter whether it’s true. His rabid followers who read these will never see any correction elsewhere that points out that his statements about Gitmo, wiretapping by Obama, or any other paranoid delusion pinging around in the hamster-wheel of his mind after binging on Fox and right-wing conspiracy sites are not true. One of the most frightening things about this administration is that it has provided proof that due to our ability to now get information solely through our preferred silos, people in power can lie without ramifications.




The one that most of their membership had never even seen before and a significant portion of which immediately claimed was not acceptable? Yes, I saw that. Thanks for providing an example of my point.

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The big problem here is that he’s creating policy based on what he sees on FOX News. This story clearly and concisely demonstrates by example exactly how their news coverage misleads Americans. The country isn’t run by Trump, it’s run by FOX. They tell him what’s bad or what to be scared of and he writes federal policy to kill or protect himself from it.


Remember, Trump is the diversion.


I’m usually willing to buy the theory that he’s a wigged out manchild popping off whenever his crazy tank gets full enough and he’s within reach of his cell phone. But the other little voice says that he’s getting his instructions from Moscow (probably through Bannon, et. al.) and this is an insidious scheme to get us so far off balance that we reach the collective level of “numb” to transition into Russia’s new Puppetocracy.

Would someone please tip me on how this plays out?


His latest tweets are to @foxandfriends which I also find…bizarre for a president.


It doesn’t work like that. It never has.

It was not against U.S. law when the war started for a non-U.S. citizen to be a member of the Taliban or al-Qaeda. There are no charges possible except when they’ve committed additional crimes. Congress has since passed additional laws, but they’re not relevant here. This is legal under the law of war.

That’s why the Supreme Court ruled that Guantanamo is legal. Even when they’d ruled against the Bush administration, it was really only on side issues. They always agreed that enemy combatants can be locked up until the war ends.

Yes, it’s true that some evidence is inadmissible. But the Obama administration’s own study on the detainees said that this only matters for a handful of detainees. As a matter of law, it means we’ll need to let them go when the war is over. If it bothers people that the war is taking so long, they need to ask al-Qaeda to end their war, and recognize the elected Afghan government. Good luck on that.

not even paganda wants this kind of attention.


RigelT rightly notes that he got this lie direct from Fox News and put it in a tweet. This is bad enough, but it gets worse: there’s an appalling story in the Washington Post today that takes Trump’s tweets this morning, with their time stamps, and synchronizes them with the broadcast of Fox And Friends, concluding that the President of the United States, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, and Leader of the Free World, spend two hours watching and live-tweeting a morning newsertainment propaganda program designed to take homebound retirees with nothing better to do and wrap them in a consoling blanket of resentments, bigotries, and lies. To have the President doing anything useless on his own for two hours of a weekday morning is unusual; to have him passively soaking in engineered disinformation like this should be incredible, and sadly isn’t.


Wake when he tweets something that doesn’t yet again illustrate his confusion; that would be news.


I’m not sure how that illustrates your point, since we’re commenting on an article about a nicely packaged distraction from that (and reasonably successful - every article about “LOL, Trump’s an idiot!” is one less article about “Fuck, Trump’s a Manchurian Candidate and he’s going to sign into law a bill that will kill hundreds of people.”)


How does 6% of 9 detainees released by Obama return to terrorism? Am I as bad at math as I already suspected or is there a Travolta/Cage jihadist hybrid running amok?


Obama released 9 detainees from Gitmo, which represents 6% of the total number of people incarcerated under that particular program.

Also, 2+2=ham.


[quote=“Ion, post:33, topic:96538”]
It was not against U.S. law when the war started for a non-U.S. citizen to be a member of the Taliban or al-Qaeda. There are no charges possible except when they’ve committed additional crimes.[/quote]
Well … yeah? The concept of thoughtcrime was supposed to be a warning, not a suggestion.

Which, as many people already knew and a lot more have subsequently discovered, is completely the wrong model to apply. Treat it as a criminal justice issue, with all the attendant rights and restrictions that go with that, and a whole bunch of really complex issues just go away. Sure, some different issues do come up, but we already have models for those, and methods for dealing with them.