Trump Department of Labor pick is a foreign labor exec who's brought "over 40,000" cheap workers to the USA

that kind of bot is @OtherMichael’s job.


But really, it should be:

(Also will sadly have continuous usage for the next four years, as long as you assume the worst of Trump.)


“I will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. I tell you that. I will bring back our jobs from China, Mexico and other places.” --Donald Trump

Looks like he was telling the truth in one respect.


He said he’d make Mexico pay for the wall. Maybe he’ll have Mexicans build it too.


My pizza maker. Who is Mexican. And from the one of the worst poorest, parts of Mexico recently posed for a picture wearing a Trump hat. Subtitled it “Make Mexico White Again!”. It earned him many terrorist fist bumps.

He’s recently been discussing a lot with his family how great it would be to move back down to Mexico. Things are going pretty well down there near certain big cities and tourist areas. His cousins who moved to Mexico City and resort towns (rather than the US) and work in restaurants are all currently making more than he is. And opening their own businesses. They’ve still been sending people up, though almost exclusively for access to education (something that didn’t work out for himself).

Trump is already making it so Mexicans no longer want to come here. But not nearly for the reason he thinks. Mexico’s improvements pre-date Trumps rise. But before all that hate it simple didn’t seem to be a consideration. Mexico was already looking pretty good, but now that the US is looking bad. Well…?


Until recently I did not recognize this as a girl with pigtails banging her head on the table. I thought it was some weird fictional sea creature eating violently off the table.


Re-found this on my computer a couple of days ago:


Just a reminder: draining swamps is difficult, back-breaking work that was frequently accomplished through a combination of slave labor and immigrant workers toiling for poverty wages.


That’s the trajectory…

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So the list of things Trump actually believes is pretty short, right?


I don’t know. It seems like he can hold a variety of conflicting beliefs all at the same time… or maybe he just shifts from one idea to its opposite very quickly.


Yup. Some years ago the sheriff in the NJ county I lived in raided the local racetrack (which employed a lot of immigrants tending horses), and said in the interview with the embedded newspaper reporter that Mexicans come to this country to go on welfare (even though he was busy arresting them at work.) Anybody who didn’t have papers on them got shipped back to Mexico, whether they were from there or not, including a couple of American citizens.


free pitchforks for all trump voters



I see the sea creature now too! Where did the pony-tailed girl go?


I spoke to a trumpeteer this week, pretending I was sad that trump was appointing establishment white men when he promised change. The fellow said “don’t worry, those are just figureheads. they’ll appoint good people to actually do the work and make the changes, or trump will fire the figureheads.”


Oh THAT basket of deplorables

That happened during Bush 43 as well… not exactly. It became such that many interested in leaving Mexico just went elsewhere than the US.

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Yeah but “Drain The Swamp though back-breaking work with much slave labor and immigrant workers toiling for poverty wages!” makes a bad bumper sticker.

Which oddly enough would probably be made using a combination of slave labor and immigrant workers toiling for poverty wages.


As my dear mother said: “Who the hell drains swamps anymore? That’s how you get flooding! I can’t believe the President is going to be older than me again! And he’s talking about draining swamps!”

Me? I’m just starting to think that the marks are getting the brush-off. Once the bundle drops, the grifter will vamoose. That’s when I make my move: I’ll be selling a lot of barrels and suspenders to the suckers. Happy days are here again.