Trump elected president

Seriously. These are C-level executives of a major bank who understand exactly what kind of businessman the President-elect is and who know he has the potential to crash the economy. It reminded me of the barely hidden panic on the faces of the news anchors and reporters last night.


I’m just starting to come around. Instead of my guy being attacked mercilessly and me having to defend him for things I don’t even fully agree with, now I get to attack their guy. Hillary would have been a disaster for PR, probably never surfacing above the waves of attacks and gridlock. And now I get to fight even harder for love, compassion, growth, the marginalized, etc… Starting to feel a bit more empowerment. And bonus, maybe this outsider really will demolish some of the system that I have grown to distrust ( doubt he has the power, but I hope). Also, we had puppy adoption day at work, so that helped.


The DNC, Debbie, Donna, and the others need to reflect on what they’ve done.


As a strong leftist who was sorely fucking tempted to vote Trump as a spite vote after the shit I received for being insufficiently fervent about Hillary and daring to support her opponent over her in the primary (including being called ignorant, stupid, racist and sexist), if I’m going to be all those things in the mind of people like you no matter what I do unless I bow to your every demand, then fucking hell I might as well own it and go full Trump, because if the only way to not be ignorant, stupid and full of hate is to join the “liberals” that are ignorant, stupid, and full of hate I’m not exactly rushing to fucking sign up.

I voted Hillary almost solely because I recognize how important the Supreme Court is, despite every fiber of my being crying for me to lash out at people like you who have been calling me things like that from day one of her fucking campaign.

And if you ever want to matter again, instead of being a footnote in the dustbin of history, you better fucking reflect and decide whether the joy you get from these expressions of righteous indignation is worth giving the country to the likes of the GOP and Trump for the next 30 fucking years.


Why is anyone surprised by this? Progressive politics pushed agendas which are irrelevant to the poor, while vilifying them for daring to say anything. The liberal left joined the right with their noses in the political trough and ignored the way that the blue collar demographic was getting poorer and poorer.

A progressive liberal agenda is the politics of affluence. So the best way to push it forwards is to ensure a viable middle class. Unfortunately the middle class is being quietly erased until all that’s left is the rich and the angry poor left behind.


Holding both houses with significant majorities is what makes it a mandate, actually.


They also lost seats in both the House and the Senate, though not enough to overcome the majorities they’ve built over the past 6 years of obstructing a president who actually did have a popular mandate. Losing on multiple fronts is not a good basis for claiming you have the backing of the country.

ETA: Also in 2008 Democrats won the presidency with both houses of Congress, and Republicans basically treated the election results like toilet paper. So fuck the notion that Republicans are all about fair, measured applications and interpretations of political power and voter will.


…and the shape of the firing squad shall be circular.


And that’s with the effects of the 2010 gerrymandering working for them.


I had no problem supporting Bernie in the primary and Hillary in the general election. My guy didn’t win, I got over it. Never once did it occur to me to vote for the fascist out of spite.


That’s fine as long as you aren’t personally threatened by a Trump presidency (i.e. male, white, straight…).

(although, FWIW, I don’t think Trump is socially conservative. I don’t think he gives a shit about that, so might be that less bad happens than could otherwise - depends on how much power Pence has).

Being in opposition is easy, and you get to be all rightfully angry. You might feel more empowered, but you don’t actually have the power.

I guess you could look back at this whole campaign and see how the acceptance of Clinton as the candidate was grudging at best here. Compare that with 2008. Optimism, hope, change. Powerful messages. Much better ones than “more of the same”, when we’re already jaded by the reality of what a Democratic administration can/wants to achieve.

We had a candidate that was a stretch for people to support. And not enough people were able to make that stretch.


Yeah if you assume Bernie would get 100% of a benefit with no one turning their nose up at him then yes you are correct. I said “most of the same states” and “Bernie would probably get 2/3 of WI, MI, and PA.”

Let’s dispel with this fiction that I know what I’m doing. I know exactly what I’m not doing!


Get that damn safe open!


Go check out, which was created (I think) yesterday as a place to post smug gloating about Trump supporter tears.

HuffPo and various other left-wing voices have been running self-congratulatory predictions for days giving Hillary 97%+ odds of winning.

No, I don’t know if that’s literally what happened, but it’s my best guess for why things ran so very contrary to even moderate predictions.

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Don’t get me wrong, I’m crushed. But I’m starting to come out of the fog just a bit and starting to focus on moving forward again. When life hands you lemons, you just have to eat them, rind and all.


This. No one can state with confidence that Bernie would have defeated Trump based on polls conducted six months ago. Experts couldn’t even accurately predict the outcome of the election based on the polling data we had 24 hours ago.


Can we at least candy the lemon peel first?


pfft. i am torn between wanting to go out and fuck some shit up (not that I have the energy for it anymore) or just finding a way to hide and keep out of the radar for the next 4 years.
you get a pass as we are all feeling raw and hurt right now.


Not a lot else to do, is there?

There’s no particular reason to think that Trump will be successful. Any many to think he won’t. Mid-terms coming in 2018 where gains should be made.

4 years to find a new, positive candidate.

The sky isn’t going to fall tomorrow (although Giant Meteor hasn’t conceded yet). This sucks, and bad things will occur, but life will go on.