Trump falls to single digits in international poll

A single “like” isn’t enough. That was gold :smiley:


Doesn’t matter what we think, we cant vote. After brexit anything can happen and maybe its time to have one of those seismic shifts in the US too.
one of the best things about brexit is that the Tories have no fig leaf any more imposing huge cuts, austerity etc on and on and if questioned answer " oh its the EUs fault" now that’s gone and they know it.
Trump will have a similar effect in the US. I hate him but maybe hes the medicine that the US needs
lesson two of brexit was VOTE!!!if he gets in you have no one to blame on that is the turn out is 40 percent

In this survey, Trump loses to Clinton amongst black voters 91-1.

1% support!

And when Johnson and Stein were included he didn’t even get that.

Ineligible to vote, but eligible to die. It ain’t Americans who’ll be under the drones.

Not at first, anyway.

1 Like

Gosh, he’s always been in double digits with me. One on each hand.


…and 0.001 is four digits and a decimal point.

Five Nines Reliability!


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