Trump finally admits Russia was "helping me get elected", then denies it

What trump said was “I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.”
The closest comparison would be Buzz saying “I had nothing to do with faking the moon landing.”

So, let me say here, truthfully, that I took no joy at @green_machine’s admitting his argument was absurd.


I believe the phrase is: Useful idiot.


Nobody’s forcing you to read the content or to comment here, comrade; that’s an active choice which you willingly make.


I don’t know if that’s really true or not but if true it makes him even more fucked up than I thought possible. This sorry fucker needs to be put on a lease and damn quick. No more locking himself in the potty all alone.

Sorry about your dog.


Well, now I just don’t know what to believe any more.

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I don’t know that I’d call this an admission as much as just illiteracy.

I find it entirely believable that Trump didn’t understand that the phrase he wrote implied “Russia helping me to get elected” was an event which actually took place, but rather thought that “I had nothing to do with” made the entire following clause implicitly fantastic.

(I mean, they certainly did help him, but given his tenuous grasp of English I wouldn’t count this as evidence to that effect.)

I’m becoming increasingly convinced that the whole lot of them are doing this sort of thing on purpose. Remember when the WH spox said something that easily parsed to “accusing the president of crime should be punishable by death”? Then they gaslight you with the old “oh no no I didn’t mean it like that” with their side wink to the stochastic terrorists in the cheap seats…


It’s not even tacit.

It’s frankly stated.

…which given the evidence would hardly be much of a surprise.

It’s the continued attempts not to acknowledge it that are the issue.

Well, it obviously wouldn’t be. So long as the candidate in question didn’t actively encourage or enable that meddling.

Which is why his continued denial that there was any meddling is harmful to him. But he can’t stop because acknowledging it would mean diminishing his own magical, wonderful ability to win elections.

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I’m relatively sure that there are many people who tweet on the shitter, unfortunately… It’s not just him.

And I was mostly joking… although, who knows…





Swiss cheese statement.




Not that I believe this is what happened here, but I wonder what I would do if I won an election, IMO fairly, and then found out I had been the beneficiary of illegal, or at least unethical, help. I’d like to think that at minimum I’d go after the bad actors especially hard, as a way to distance myself from their actions and set a precedent. This is reason #45 why I will never hold elected office.

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Nah. The only thing Vlad knows is the top of D2S’s head and the back of his throat.

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