Trump has reportedly fiddled with idea to start new political party

That’s why I mentioned TV, yes. I think he will be anxious to get back on a reality show, or something like that. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t shoehorn himself into a news network. We definitely will be seeing and hearing him. I just think he’s learned enough to realize that President is a shit job, mostly, and he can have less oversight and responsibility elsewhere.


Welcome to BoingBoing!

Though I would posit you’ve already described the current Republican Party. The extremists have dragged the party ever further right with little objection from the mainstream members until they put their campaign money and freedom in direct jeopardy.


Ah yes. I agree and was always surprised he thought being president was a good idea for a cockroach like himself. Much easier to stand on the sidelines and fling poo at adults working. It’s been said by others that Obama being president really got under his racist skin and drove him to create this 4 year dumpster fire.


This. Republicans would likely fall for this. (Possibly even more than they already did @DukeTrout, though you may be right that limits are close to being reached).
But in US it may be less effective in the case of Trump as his only objective is him as President again.

His ego will not be interested in Repugnicons taking on his policies, or interested in PP candidates in other positions. It’s all about him as President, again.

There is this, of course. A grifter and his marks only part when the marks are wrung dry


Yeah I think if the right gets split there will be sudden interest in preferential voting in the US.


Well, it makes sense that Trump would have fiddled something while America burned, and he sure doesn’t seem like he would have the patience to learn any stringed instruments.



I hope they put in drain tile plumbed into the city sewer system, or else it might turn into a Superfund site.


Here in New Zealand we were ashamed when parties started getting 20% of the vote and no seats at all in parliament, so we demanded change.
It still took 20 years to happen and the two big parties would change back in a heartbeat if they are ever given the chance.
First past the post is the worst possible voting system, but America has worse problems than that.


Because he doesn’t have any. He is simply a bacteria that attempts to move towards adulation and money whenever it detects them within its limited sensory range.


Fun fact: Politcal experts reckon that the fact that you could register on election day is what put Jesse over the top in that election. Somehow can’t see FL allowing same day registration

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Ayep… lovin’ our MMP system


Just like the PATRIOT Act.


Teddy Roosevelt tried a go at it with a third party called the Bull Moose Party; it failed. Trump, should go with something similar: The Bull S**t Party.




Is the Shitty White People Party name taken?


I’m not sure I agree with the fractions, but realistically it doesn’t much matter either.

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Trump is too lazy to do something like form a political party. If this happens, it will be because the crazies in his orbit take it upon themselves to start a party around him. Trump himself will probably just pop his head out at rallies to get the adulation he so craves without actually doing any work.

That is, of course, assuming he is not in jail. (Fingers crossed!)


Farage used his second attempt after UKIP, the Brexit Party as a profitable M-MS. The candidates that had already put up money to run in the seats that he had ‘negotiated’ with the Tories not to run in didn’t get their money back.


What’s with the former and ex Commonwealth nations? The Commonwealth is still a thing. Former British colonies might be what is meant.

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True that.