Trump: “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had,” say witnesses

Bunker boy has a lot to say about actual services members and leaders being cowards, suckers, and losers.

Sometime, I feel like I’m a boiling frog with all his rhetoric throughout the years. Pick any single thing he said or did, in a normal timeline and as normal politician, that person’s political career will literally end at that moment. Instead, it emboldens this boldfaced liar to double down without any repercussions.


Many, many attempts dating back well before World War II.

As far back as 1938, the Oster Conspiracy aimed to overthrow Hitler if Germany went to war with Czechoslovakia over the Sudetenland. Their aim was to remove Hitler either by having him arrested or killed and restore the monarchy.

In the end, after the Munich Conference with the connivance of France, Italy and the UK, Hitler seized the Sudetenland without a war. He had massive popular support as a result, so the plot fizzled out.


It’s a safe bet the person who thinks Lee was the best general of the Civil War (along with being an honorable man) also thinks that Rommel was a great general.

Also, the Venn diagram of the Lost Causers who insist the South was just minding its own business sipping mint juleps when that warmonger Lincoln started a war, and the WWII revisionists who insist Churchill was the puppetmaster maneuvering Europe into war might not be a circle, but it’s close.


i believe you’ve blazed a trail right to the heart of the matter, General Sherman!


Funny, I was just wondering if the “Downfall video creator” was still working…

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Yea? And I hope he finds a few officers just like Claus von Stauffenberg.

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Ipso facto: In light of Gen. Kelly’s recent recollections, some of Trump’s generals may be like the ones who tried to kill Hitler.