Trump impeached — abuse of power & obstruction of congress

Well at least history will look back and see that they tried. And now he is forever the answer to a Trivial Pursuit question.

Remember our best course of action to getting rid of him is to vote next year. Good luck everyone.


On the other hand, maybe now he’ll be on the cover of Time


Oh, he has been. Think he has these covers framed and on the wall at his golf club?


You may be underestimating the level of personal fealty Trump voters feel towards him. I hope you are right, but the possibility of “centrist” Democrats peeling off to vote for a Republican lite like Gabbard is frightening to me.


She’s trying to look like she’s tracking to the center to peel off moderate republican votes. It’s that simple. She thinks that voting for impeachment will hurt her for the groups that voted for Trump on foreign policy, which has been her key issue from day one. She wants to David Duke vote, in other words…


Which might make some tactical sense if she already had the nomination locked up, but trying to win over moderate Republicans at the expense of alienating Democrats doesn’t make much sense when she’s struggling this badly in the Primaries.


I would like to play this part. Russia send me a fucking check please I got ads to run!


I think she’s probably either trying to mitigate her losses with democrats and bring over republicans, or she is trying to set herself up for a run as an independent.

Either way, it’s a poor strategy.


He was in favor of impeaching W. back in the day.


Not gonna lie to you: I would rock one of those jackets. :slight_smile:


It’s for a certain value of “got”, and we’ll take what we can get.


I’m not sure that’s true. We’ve seen multiple cases where Republicans simply said they always held their current position and their voters just go with it. No “but you voted for X, how can you say you opposed it?” Just straight up agreeing and repeating the lie.

the “R” next to their name is far more important than anything they actually do in office.


I dunno if the idea is to hold it that long. The court cases in question are scheduled to stretch out through the summer.

They’re certainly holding it, think it may be an attempt to pressure McConnell to, you know, actually hold a trial.

It definitely doesn’t make sense and won’t work. But if I had to guess as to why she thinks it might. She isn’t exactly attracting any of the major DNC voting blocks. But Sanders had a decent chunk of support from self identified conservatives and Republicans who were pulled into the Democratic primary as either Hillary Haters or Never Trumpers or both. The vast majority of them went on to actually vote for Trump, but they did vote in Democratic primaries.

Now that is a damn stupid thing to chase. Because not only were they a pretty damn small factor in Sander’s supporters on their own. But taken as a portion of all primary voters they were even smaller. And they mostly don’t don’t exist without Hillary to react to.

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It’s not so much joy as relief. It can be hard to differentiate the two emotions.


If nothing else, use it as pressure to hear the 400+ House-approved bills on the floor of the Senate.

“Sorry, Mitch. Can’t send over the Articles until you clear the backlog of bills. First in, first out.”

Do-nothing Democrats my ass.


The part that bothered me was this:

House Majority Whip James Clyburn said Thursday that he is in favor of withholding the articles “until we can get some assurances from (McConnell) that he is going to allow for a fair and impartial trial to take place.”

What would you take as an assurance from McConnell? McConnell lies to Republican senators to get them to vote for things. It’s nothing to McConnell to agree to terms on how the trial will be conducted and then renege. I don’t think you can pressure McConnell to hold a trial. It’s not like a contract to extract a pound of flesh would be valid.


Roy Moore (for example) tried that to win in Alabama, and it didn’t work. Trump regularly gets away with this, but I don’t think this ability always, or even usually, trickles down to the level of statewide elections. In any event, all it would take is for a handful of senators to worry about the future now, and that is not completely implausible.

I don’t think the point is to actually get him to do that as much as holding the process up for other reasons. Maybe even including the fun of watching Republicans jump up and down like children being denied ice cream.


Yeah, I’m not against holding the articles, I just don’t think they can be held to put pressure on McConnell. Of course something I’m pretty convinced of is that Pelosi is better than me at political games (who would have thought?!?) and if Pelosi is holding it up it is probably because holding it up will help Democrats win elections.