Trump impeached — abuse of power & obstruction of congress

I prefer Impeachmaa.

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…is a completely different day.

Woe be unto those who open their Presidential Downfall Day presents on Impeachmas.


Insert “Why Not Both?” gif.


No Koolaid necessary - it’s either silver or lead.

Republican lawmakers are very well aware that the people who elected them love Trump and barely tolerate them. Vote to impeach and you end up a loser twice over Democrats despise you (except for about 10 minutes after the vote) and Republicans despise you forever.

You might have stripped a vote or two away if this to actually remove Trump. But sacrifice everything for a gesture? Not bloody likely.

If there’s Kool-Aid to be drunk, it’s not of the “Trump’s not trash” variety, it’s of the “Everyone who voted Trump knew he was trash when they elected him and they’re just fine with his corruption now.”

Sadly, I’m fairly certain that it’s not actually Kool-Aid, but reality.

Any Republican who is prone to to self-sacrifice for a principle has already left or been expelled from the party of Trump.


Should Pelosi wait?

A rising tide is recommended this tactic, and it appears she may be listening.

Speaker Pelosi: when the Impeachment Resolution is passed, do not send it immediately to the Senate. Withhold it instead until the court cases are settled, until Don McGahn and others are forced to respond to their subpoenas, until the President is forced to submit his tax returns, until all the evidence has come to the surface and makes an airtight case to remove him from office.

Take a page from Mitch McConnell’s playbook and game the system. Remember what he did to Merrick Garland? The hundreds of passed House bills he refuses to bring to the Senate floor? Use your power the way he does.


Truly, the nightmare scenario from our standpoint, and the ultimate guarantee of a Trump victory, esp if financed by Russian money, which she would be. Slightly camouflaged, but still…


Trump, his toadies, and yourself may be publicly dismissing this as a meaningless gesture, but given the last few decades of Trump’s vocal opinions on various other presidents getting impeached, it’s clear that this is a very big deal to him and something he’ll consider a permanent stain on his record.


That is hitting the nail right on the head. Last night CBC news had a panel discussion the political ramifications of impeachment - could this be just what the GOP wanted? I couldn’t even listen. If Trump were indicted for murder all anyone would be talking about is whether that’s good or bad for re-election and it would be split 50-50.

If I say I wish we could go back to when anything mattered, am I pining for a mythical past?


Political strategy aside, imagine the stress it would put on the health of the :tangerine::clown_face: while he waits, fuming, for a month or two…


Yeah, Newt Gingrich, Bob Livingston, and Dennis Hastert were woke, except for their similar infidelity and Hastert’s sexual abuse of students.


So what’s next? Nothing thanks to some KY senate majority leader.

This was not a stroke of genius by Pelosi. I don’t have the heart to attack her, but I would be willing to donate to any fund that would donate to 45’s fast food obsession.


Maybe not, but then, she’s currently not doing what people expected…


I think this is a brilliant strategy on her part. Think about how unhinged Nostradumbass is going to become as the news keeps stating over and over “The impeached president…”


How long before Trump starts demanding the Congress retroactively impeach Obama? :slight_smile:


i totally would have cheered nixon’s helecopter leaving. what are you talking about??


Not so sure. I feel like she’d likely take more voters from Trump, than the democratic candidate. The Trump voter seems to be who she’s courting now, more than a typical Democratic voter base.

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Maybe we could get him to sign over control of the country to Obama, for just a day or so, you understand, just so Obama can be impeached, that’s the only reason…

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I hope you see what longtimelurker did there. I don’t know that Trump will get impeached in the Senate, or even see a drop in his approval ratings. But he will be out of office sooner rather than later. I’m dead serious.


<—golf claps

