Some evangelicals, not all Christians. If it was as simple as saying “I’m sorry” then indulgences would not be a thing.
The indulgences aren’t a thing anymore are they? I went to Catholic school. I was told go to confession unburden yourself you go to heaven. I guess that’s a little more than “god forgive me”. I was also taught indulgences were basically letting rich people pay to sin and well the church still wants its tithe it doesn’t work like that anymore.
It’s not the same as the paid for indulgences that the Medieval Vatican gave out, but it’s more than saying “I’m sorry”.
The Vatican can always bring back paid-for indulgences when they want to do a bit of fund-raising. Who says absolution must be free?
How’d that work out for them last time they were doing that?
Not that great, of course. But that was back when they were basically the only game in town. Nowadays anyone who doesn’t like what the Vatican does has 9,999 other denominations to pick from already, so the risk of another Martin Luther nailing 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg palace church is probably low.
(Also, at least here in Germany, the Roman Catholic church could hardly be doing worse given that they’re haemorrhaging members at historic rates. If current trends continue they’ll be gone altogether in a few decades. Paid indulgences would really be the very least of their problems.)
Well, except out east… and in the middle East… and in Ethiopia… but sure…
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