Trump is asked, if he loses more Americans in 6 weeks than died in Vietnam War, does he deserve to be re-elected?

Since when is this a serious president who gives a shit about his job.


There’s no point in asking Trump ANY questions if your goal is to get a useful or informative answer.

The only reason for any journalist to ask Trump a question is to see what new horrors he reveals about himself by way of a reply.


Yes, it is.

People seem to think the unasked, obvious answer questions shouldn’t be asked, because “we” (whatever groups you side in) already know the answers.

It’s exactly because no one is asking what should be obviously answered that nobody is answering it in the first place, obviously.

Having someone repeatedly bring up the elephant in the room draws actual attention to the fact that everyone else in the room acknowledges seeing the damn elephant. People start caring about the presence of the elephant when people acknowledge seeing it.

The only people who care about Trump’s completely insane behavior are the ones who already do because of the fact that they have standards and morals. The way you create more people with a sense of outrage is by drawing upon openly the fact of more than half the country is fucking outraged. And specifically so when there’s an entire network brainwashing (Fox) so many people into forgetting there’s a man behind the curtain as it were


Can’t an entire population dream?


Every time he is questioned on anything leading to his poor response, he brings up how well he did by blocking non-US citizens from entering the US from China.
But that was irrelevant. It got here with US citizens returning from Asia, and people travelling from Europe. China had already quarantined the whole region in China where the disease was present, and was doing “contact tracing” on a level that would leave many here screaming about 5 different amendments of the constitution being violated. There were no Chinese people who had any contact even with multiple degrees of separation with anyone sick attempting to enter the US, they were all quarantined, and barely allowed to leave their houses to get groceries once a week.
Still he acts like he is the hero for blocking Chinese travelers.


It was a very good question, but he actually did a very good job deflecting it and not taking any blame. When I read the headline I expected to see him squirm, but he didn’t. He avoided it and lied as usual. You got to realize, he is very good at this.

Is he? I think if he were faced with an audience that didn’t feel like cutting him ANY slack instead of both-sidesing every issue, he’d do much worse.


Was that 30 seconds into his answer and it was straight to scapegoatism and xenophobia? Man… that didn’t take long.

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Well yes - if that is, and certainly seems like, the best and toughest question he will get. Yeah - he shrugged that off. There is no magic bullet with this guy that will reveal his weakness. There is no alternative reality like: if the Germans had just voted Hitler out everything would have been better. Our system was not built for this level of treachery towards Democracy. When its pitchfork time you have to be willing to die to get rid of him and his lackeys.

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