Trump Jr. calls for "total war" over election

He’s got ‘mommy issues’.



Looks like Dave Bautista after a mud bath and with a rolled up gym towel on his head.



Or Don Stark


He absolutely despises that knit thing he’s got on.


Yes, Fox is turning on him. But How long before they find a new useful idiot? A couple months tops. They may even have him or her in the basement right now. And the next one will be slightly smarter, you know, smart enough to stick to the script.


They’ve cloned a couple of them in vats.


Yep, even by the atrocity-minimising standards of the last four years, that’s full-blown sedition at the very least. It merits semi-serious fantasising about his actual, non-joking arrest and trial as a truth-and-reconciliation exercise (if Biden wins) or an assertion of the rule of law (if not, bearing in mind presidents can’t pardon treason). Let’s hear the Turmp movement defend that shit in detail without being allowed to change the subject.

Republicans are not the sort of rats you will ever see going down with a sinking ship. If Turmp had attempted an actual coup – like, if he had cancelled the election – then I could see them joining in. And of course they’d be on board with Bush-style election theft. But as it stands, he doesn’t even have a path to cheat his way to claiming a win, because he’s not leading in 270 electors’ worth of vote counts, and Biden is. Having done the election, he’s looking like a loser on his own terms.

(Though there is still a narrow possibility of that changing)


Off topic, but…that guy’s from the borough of Forty Fort in Luzerne County.

:thinking: How can that not have been updated to Forty McFortface?!


That’s comedy gold… we didn’t look like a banana republic till his family showed up. Can we put that entire family in prison please?


It’s a shame that borough is in Pennsylvania, the second U.S. state, instead of Wyoming, the Forty-Fourth.


This is legally close to sedition.
“If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”
He has committed to not quite sedition, but if his father, brothers, sisters or ANYONE ELSE likes him on Facebook or anywhere else; sedition.


Turns out we’re not so different after all. In the words of Sarah Silverman, time to shoot each other some love.

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The TRUMP™ brand is dead. After 30 years of ups and downs if Daddy Trump does not pull off this last grift getting 4 more years as President, they will be ruined.

Not that they’ll be broke or anything. LIke Whitey Bulger and other heads of crime families they have stashes of cash all over the world. Everybody’s talking about it.


Nerrrrrrrrrrrd Alerrrrrrrrrrt!

(played D&D in the 80s, so I’m allowed to poke fun)


I dont think Trump even knows just how fascist a reference he has dug up:

But why should he care? “Enemy of the People” was straight-up Stalinist.


Surely, that’s got to be in Trump’s calculation, consciously or subsconsciously. He wants to inspire fraud: he accuses the other side of rampant malfeasance and causes resentment among his partisans. They are then morally justified in “evening the odds” by committing actual voter fraud. Of course, Trump himself takes no risks and never has to face any consequences for his incitement; he didn’t tell anyone to commit fraud…


Oh, Volksfeind was very popular with the Nazis too.

(Goes back to ancient Rome’s hostis publicus, though.)


Though with many more ethnic/racial undertones. When it comes to ethnicity the Roman concept of res publica was not nearly as exclusive as the völkisch conception of, well, Volk.

Btw, I believe Trump Jr. absolutely knew exactly what he was quoting. Maybe not exactly who (many people seem to believe it was a Hitler speech) but certainly what it stood for.


“Will no one will rid me of these meddlesome voters?”


You have a lot more faith in the rubes than I do.

It looks like Trump will lose his bid for a second term, but he’s assembled an enormous database of easy marks that he can grift for years to come. He’ll have to change up his pitch a bit - his demographics can’t absorb all the “luxury” apartments he has available, but there’s frozen steaks and crummy wine to be flogged and premium advertising space on the soon-to-be-announced Trump News Network (The straight dope, never stepped-on! Mainline some today!).

Never count out a cockroach.