Trump Jr. calls for "total war" over election

Stan Ridgeway is a national treasure (who has probably done something awful I haven’t heard about and I really should have googled before posting this)

I was sitting here thinking about whether or not the Runequest concept of rolled INT (for sentients) vs fixed INT (for non-sentients) applied here and which type Jr has…

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How does a community of refugees support an administration that hates refugees?



Because those people are the wrong kind of refugees, duh.


In total war, everyone is a target. The only question is whether it’s worthwhile to expend resources on that target. Suppose, for instance, a munitions factory relies on a cities workforce, or its transport hub. The city gets targeted. Sometimes this further justified as destroying the morale of the country.

Ironically, those who are in the political position to effectively advocate for “total war” are already target candidates in a situation of limited war. They just add “Crimes against Peace” to their rap sheet.

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I’d rather get stomped by a boot than that stileto.
What are we talking about again?
Oh! Now I know! Gabriel. Blow.

linguistically reframing a lack of sufficient civilian suffering as a military asset that must be destroyed


Have you heard Cuban dialect?!? :wink:


Yeah @DukeTrout. Sounded like American when I was in Florida.
I was there for the boatlift.
Didn’t agree with the barbed wire containment fences under the highways though.

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I guess it has a similar relationship to Mexican Spanish as American English does to British English - clipped, more to the point; less flowing and more staccato. It was tough for me to understand. I’m not fluent by any means in Spanish, but all I needed to understand was numbers. I’m embarrassed to say I couldn’t. :flushed:

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Reminded me of this–now that the main grift is wrapping up, he may need to find a job. Who knows what might befall him then?

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It’s official. Trump’s buttspawn got his degree from Trump University. The rest of us were taught that America has elections instead of wars and coups. These liars are so narcissistic that they would literally kill millions so that their dad could weasel out of an audit and tap out the entire US treasury to run another bankrupt real estate company.

Voting dead people into office happens all over the world. But maybe we could make a law that it’s illegal for candidates to die once the ballots are printed :thinking:


Back in the day (ca.1975) I stayed in a Mexico City rooming house whose residents included two Celtic ladies - one each Scot and Irish - employed to lip-sync telenovelas (soap operas) for Argentinian and Colombian audiences. They mentioned co-workers doing the same for other Hispanic lands. Many nations, many dialects.

If Trump successfully challenges the result of the election in court, such that no results get certified by inauguration day, his term still ends at noon that day. The constitution is very clear on that. Wouldn’t that mean Nancy Pelosi became president until it all got resolved, based on the line of succession?

Honestly, it’d be awesome in a way if Trump somehow caused that. Not worth it at all, and extraordinarily unlikely, but awesome.

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Yes, IFF she’s re-elected as Speaker of the House when Congress returns on 6 Jan IIRC.


Which she will be, because we can’t have nice things

Actually, I believe the 25th amendment says she’d be acting president as nobody below vice president actually becomes president…

Not that it really matters much

Ms Pelosi would likely act more like a prez than does the current skuzbag. Also IIRC the issue of an ‘acting’ prez was decided in previous centuries.