Trump "just refounded Isis" says Fox's Brian Kilmeade to Sarah Sanders

I think Occam’s razor might be a bit rusty on that one!

Ok, really, I need to get back to work. Sorry if I caused any offense @DukeTrout & @Melz2 or anyone else. I’ll keep an open mind about Russiagate. I do truly despise Putin & Trump, please don’t doubt that!


Well, there’s your problem right there.

They’re complicit, and therefore not completely reliable. These days one needs to use several different news sources including those outside the US to get any semblance of what’s factual.

All did horrible, unethical things while they were in office that inarguably made the current world a worse place than it has to be… but all of them still maintained the facade, whereas this admin has gone full on ‘Eric Cartman’ ala, “Fuck You, I Do Whatever I Want.”

Note that I’m not implying the illusion was a good thing; I’m saying that arbitrarily discarding it sets a precedent for even more flagrant corruption and blatant authoritarianism in the future.


Absolutely! But things seem to be ramping up.

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Trump’s behavior in office is indistinguishable from that of a man who has been compromised by Russia to the point of doing Putin’s bidding. That’s bad enough.


could you imagine all the gains if the nsa, and fbi were trying to strengthen cyber security instead of weaken it?

we could advance liberty for all, instead we’re sitting around trying to reenact 1984.

likewise for the middle east, the best thing i think we could do is kick oil. but it’s so much easier to just keep starting new wars.

and around and around we go.


it’s off topic, but that’s one of the worst parts of all this. ( the other being the way black lives matter issues have fallen off the table since now every news story is about trump ) we’ve never really recovered from the last republican recession.

we’re tremendously in debt - more so once trump inevitably gets his wall money - we’re not going to have many levers to improve things.

at best, it’ll be another decade of struggling and not getting ahead for most americans. will we ever really commit to raising taxes, and making the investments and reforms we need to see us through the coming environmental and economic collapses?

it’s really not clear to me.


The what with the who now? Kashmir would like a word with you. And… there appears to be a somewhat disorderly queue forming behind them


Quite – the classic colonialist tactic is to set two factions against each other in order to maintain control. Vide Cyprus, Rwanda, Ireland, etc.

This is, I recently learned, even the origin of American slavery as we know it. In early Jamestown, much of the working population was indentured servants, both black and white. When indications of an indentured servant revolt started manifesting, the Colonial leaders created laws to set the white indentured servants against the blacks, for instance, by requiring the white co-conspirators of black escaped servants to serve the rest of the black servant’s indenture, and to mandate that the children of black indentured servants were still in thrall. This converted a class conflict into a race conflict, and also launched the American slavery-industrial complex.


Give me a break. We only have 2200 troops in Syria.

And I never bought the argument that “we need to fight them over there, or we will be fighting them over here”. You don’t fight terrorism with armies, you do it with spies and covert ops and not letting them into the U.S. in the first place. You take them and only them out with prejudice.

Hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent people in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan have died in this bloodfest because of this nearly generation-long imposition of American military power which was designed for one purpose- a multi trillion dollar bonanza for the military-industrial complex.

When you have a multi trillion dollar hammer, you see everything as a nail. We should cut our military by 80% to 90%, and use the savings to solve AGW and help people.

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United? You mean India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh? Not to mention Kashmir? I’m not sure you’re making your case that brutally subjugating millions of people for a couple of centuries is a win-win for every one here… cause it’s not.


You accuse @petzl of setting up a false dichotomy, and then immediately do the same thing yourself, when you characterize the position opposed to Trump’s actions here as “for continuing disastrous foreign wars”.

This does not particularly endear you to anyone who would like to see a measured, well-thought-out response to the situation in Syria, one which wouldn’t leave everyone scrambling – including the US military and diplomats, because of course Trump neither gave any warning or asked for any opinions beforehand – and sell out the Kurds (who are the closest thing to the “good guys” in the Syrian mess) once again.


The nuclear standoff between India and Pakistan, the most likely place for nuclear war on the planet, came out of it as well. Thanks, England.




You aren’t holding petzl to the same standard that you seem to demand of me. Because if someone says an argument is indistingishable from that of a shill, there’s little discussion that can follow. It’s a godwin-level argument and certainly doesn’t engender good feelings for me personally.

Look again at his post. He’s now edited it twice with more pull quotes from me (rather than respond in the thread). It’s just not a friendly way to proceed. I’m around here a lot; I try and stay friendly and I think you do too. So I’ll try to not rage post if I can help it, and I hope I haven’t come off that way.

So query: Did Kilmeade say something insanely stupid – or just giving Sanders a straight line for defending Trump’s pulling out?

It’s not Russia, it’s Turkey. Russia invading would actually be better than Turkey, in a depressing way.

Not good, just better.


“Better to be invaded by Country A than invaded by Country B.”

We sure do live in a strange world when that makes horrible sense.


No, but see, those poor benighted people are better off now, thanks the English civilization! I mean, they know English, and I bet some of them have… tea… time. Doctor Who? I bet they like Doctor who? /s


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