Trump lawyer moves to disqualify Judge Kaplan in courtroom today (but fails miserably)

(I just noticed the misspelling :face_with_spiral_eyes: :flushed: I’ll leave it… Glad it was useful/entertaining)


hahaha, that’s not hostility that’s an atmosphere of frustration as the judge tries their level best to avoid openly face-palming at baffling levels of incompetence.


He’s not really happy right now.

The Judge in the Trial that I am attending today is a totally biased and hostile person—The same Judge that we had in the first trial, which my lawyer asked me not to attend because of the fact he thought the case was so ridiculous and demeaning (and easy to win!) to a former President. In retrospect, I should have been there to watch how unfair and partisan this “Judge” was. The whole New York System is RIGGED against me because of the fact that I’m not only a Former Republican President, but also am the leading Republican Candidate, and beating Crooked Joe Biden, BY A LOT. This case is another example of Election Interference at a level never seen before. Even E. Jean Carroll’s Lawyer is a Democrat Political Operative, and this whole Hoax was funded and conceived of by Reid Hoffman, George Conway, and many others in the Democrat System of Thugs (Perhaps at conflict with Carroll’s testimony this morning).

Page Two: At the first trial, Judge Kaplan should have recused himself, as requested, from both trials for his obvious bias and hatred of me. One of Carroll’s main lawyers was one of the Judge’s favorite law clerks—A HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST! The Judge suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome as anyone can see from his last outburst against me in the Court. I did nothing wrong, except defend myself from false, malicious, and defamatory accusations by somebody writing a book, and deciding to put this fake nonsense into it, probably for the publicity she would get. She was not damaged, I am the one who was damaged. It is impossible for me to get a fair trial in front of this Judge. He is allowing everything they want to be put into the case, things that should never be allowed, but I hear he is not allowing the CNN Anderson Cooper Video of E. Jean Carroll into the case—which, when viewed, totally exonerates me.

Page Three: Additionally, he’s not allowing the “Monica Lewinsky-style” dress into the case. E. Jean Carroll said she had a dress, and when we said, “OK, use it,” she didn’t want to produce it, and the Judge wouldn’t allow the information to be brought in, because there was no information, other than it would show my innocence! This Judge should be sanctioned for his abuse of power—No wonder our Country is going to Hell! The second trial is a totally separate case from the first one, so the Jury should decide on guilt, which does not exist, instead of a reward, which I should get, not her. This Judge is not allowing that, he is not allowing me to properly defend myself from false accusations, he’s taking the unfair decision in the first trial, which we are appealing, and sticking selected parts of it into this trial. As to guilt or innocence, he is wrongfully forcing guilty, which is unAmerican. We have a very bad and hostile Judge, but we’re fighting all the way. MAGA!


Don’t you change a thing.
Beautiful mistake or not, the key word is beautiful.


Since when did inappropriate age ever matter to that dotard?


“Um. Mr Trump, we’re a top white shoe law firm. We don’t need or wish ‘exposure’. All the possible clients, who could afford our services, already know who we are, or would be discretely informed.“


Just like the election fraud cases, the public statements and the statements in court have no relationship to each other.


That’s an amazing amount of whining gibberish. It’s much worse that this is an excerpt instead of the whole thing – can’t imagine reading through more of that.


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