Trump lies, 'They’ve come up with the AIDS vaccine'

I didn’t say it was a vaccine. It’s sad that our “president” wouldn’t know the difference because of apathy, scientific illiteracy and cognitive decline. So as dumb as he is, I can understand that he confused an injectable prophylaxis of this sort with a vaccine.

Bingo! prompt,pithy and pertinent.Classic response from a Pulsatrix avatar!


Thank you. Actually, my avatar is a Scops Owl… but all birds in the Strigiformes order would blush at your remark. :owl: :slightly_smiling_face:


Cue people in the administration updating government Web sites to now state something to the tune of “vaccine” = “any treatment”. Reality has to bend to the words of the Great Leader!

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I’ll give him pass on this one. I think he tried to correct himself by saying “therapeutic.” Of course, his ego wouldn’t let him admit he made a mistake, which just makes it worse, but…

A LOT of people conflate treatment and prophylaxis; cure and prevention.

“doctors have a thing that make the bad thing not (as) bad” just kinda gets rolled up into ONE thing.

Conflation and confusion are common.

Take for example,the number of people who think antibiotics work on viral infections. Or the misapplication of venomous and poisonous. And with the description for PrEP is “Pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP) is when people at risk for HIV take daily medicine to prevent HIV. PrEP can stop HIV from taking hold and spreading throughout your body. When taken daily, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV from sex or injection drug use.” it sure SOUNDS a lot like what people think a vaccine is.

Again, keeping in mind a lot of people think vaccines also cause autism.

I think I need to write a book about using diseases to cure other diseases.

Trump lies?

There is a first time for everything I guess.

He succeeded in the apparently impossible task of making Dubya appear good in comparison. That should speak by itself.


Perhaps “not completely incompetent”, but “good” is a bit of a stretch.

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Let’s be real. If someone finally did made a AIDS vaccine, he would actually get upset that someone stole his thunder for that week.

I might believe that when I hear it from an Iraqi.


I meant to the eyes of the US public, but yes, that’s is a very good point.

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Actually Trump is the most efficient person
in the world. He only has a head and an
asshole, and they are interchangeable.

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