Trump: "Look at my African-American over here, look at him"

And it’s gotten worse since Asimov’s day, or, to quote Sagan:


Fluorescent Jackson Pollock poster DO NOT WANT.


Apparently we already have someone in this thread defending him for it.

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He’s a Rebel, a political outsider not afraid to speak his mind! Sure some of the stuff he says is crazy, but when you unleash the Tiger, expect a couple of mauling! You gotta crack a few eggs to make a great American Omelet again!



I don’t think it’s fair to compare Trump and Mussolini. Seriously, I don’t think Trump could ever get the trains to run on time*.

*Okay, from what I understand Mussolini didn’t either really, but still…


Can we be sure it wasn’t Soul Man?

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“The” newt Gingrich felt compelled to call trump’s doubling down ‘inappropriate’ or something equally weak-sauce, and Ryan actually said that trump’s remarks are “out of left field”, as though this sort of thing is uncommon for that bloviating douchebag.

We conducted interviews of several Republican onlookers at the parade, and while some of them admitted confusion, most were pretty clear on the Dope New Threads: Andy, 53: Well, uh, yeah...his new clothes. Uh, they're great. I mean, flowing and such. The light really caught the fabric nicely in blu...I mean the colors of sunlight. Jennifer, 36: I guess the fabric is sheen? But yeah, the new outfit is a little revealing but he looks great, just great. Ted, 41: Beautiful, just phenomenal. You and I can't get clothes like that, and they wouldn't give stuff like that to the Mexicans or whatever because they're just bad. Very very bad. It takes a real leader to wear an outfit like that.
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I’d disagree and call it willful ignorance given what I expect to be the age range for many of trump’s supporters (older, whiter…30-40+, 40-70+++). That is, while they may not accurately identify a single quote from Mussolini, they know damned well what he’s saying with all this tripe about the judge being proud of his heritage, “but I’m building a wall, Jake. I’m building a wall.” I think trump is now beginning to write his way into the darker side of history, where before he wasn’t more than a shitty footnote.

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I’m really curious what (apparently, a substantial number of) Italians think of him. They elected his granddaughter, for one thing. But when I visited the Roman Forum a while back, they had a plaque which said something to the effect of “renovated by the government of Benito Mussolini.” I’d have figured they would have removed something like that – I’m pretty sure they had removed any similarly favorable mentions of Hitler in Germany (who was worse, of course).

I would definitely add Jesús Gil (even though he’s been dead a while, so no longer a “contemporary”) to that list. He might even compare more closely than the others.

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No, I don’t know that. How would I?


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Because both the xenophobia and the religious intolerance expressed in those terms stems from racism.

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…who tries to hide his baldness. At least Mussolini shaved.


wasn’t Isaac Asimov a misogynist pig, though?

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it might not occur to you but the present state of much of africa is as much a part of the devastating legacy of slavery as the execrable treatment of blacks in the u.s. the legacy of the attendant colonial imperialism for the exploitation of the resources of africa, from diamonds to slaves, has left a bitter harvest over the centuries.


Doesn’t mean he was wrong about anti-intellectualism…

…but yeah, I’m no longer as much a fan as I used to be.

Yep. I’m not excusing the man’s misogyny, but the accuracy of that particular observation is still spot on.

(Also, that’s the genetic fallacy)


So it just proves the point that a person can be wrong about somethings - many things - horrible things. Yet be right about others.

Something, something, even a broken clock is right two times a day.

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i’m assuming that my interlocutor has been scrubbed from this exchange by dragon fire leaving a free-floating reply. enough to say that he was being hideously intemperate.