Trump loses bid for new trial in sexual assault case

Well, some seem to be playing a game here, while the rest of us are legitimately unhappy about something that can easily be fixed…

Uh Huh Reaction GIF by Originals




So much “disturbing clarity”.



Allow me to add my voice to those asking you to please edit the title; everything after the colon could be a potential trigger for folks.


I was told something in my early 20s that I wish had been included in my sex ed talks with my parents: women’s visceral feelings about sexual assault are comparable to men’s feelings about castration. I knew sexual assault was bad and wrong before I was told this. But I didn’t have a sense of how bad. Once I tried to imagine how I’d feel in a world with a 1-in-4 rate of violent castration, my world changed.

And on that note: Mr @beschizza , please remove the quote from the title.

ETA: Thanks, @beschizza


Because New York’s legal definition of rape for the purposes of that lawsuit are narrow, so the jury found that Trump sexually assaulted Carroll but did not rape her. The judge now is making it clear that in the non-legal sense of the word, the jury absolutely found that Trump raped her (because of the specific actions mentioned in the headline) so his motions for reducing the damages or granting a new trial are completely groundless.

Also, for what it’s worth, add me to the list of people who feel that specific description has no business being in the headline. I have never been sexually assaulted, but I’m a human being capable of empathy, and that should be sufficient to understand why that headline is problematic.


Can confirm. It’s… not a good feeling.


Sorry for not promptly changing the headline (and sorry for not checking the thread).

For the record: Headlines on posts are easy to change, but tend to be cached in originally-published form in social media cards and other distributed stuff. BBS headlines require manual updates which are easy to forget. URLs don’t change automatically but we can trash them and repost under a different URL. With most software (like wordpress) if a website tells you they can’t delete or change a URL they’re mistaken: it’s likely someone just doesn’t want the traffic/ad analytics broken by the change


Thank you, Rob. I appreciate the change.

Thanks for the technical context.


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