Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/03/14/trump-negative-for-coronavirus.html
Doctor of Osteopathy? For treating bone spurs?
Osteopaths, in terms of qualifications, are all over the map (depending where on the map they are). In the US, a DO has equivalent rights, privileges, and responsibilities as a physician who has earned the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree.
There’s still a lingering smell of deeply buried woo to my nose, but what do I know?
“Something to do with muscles, I think.” (Curb Your Enthusiasm)
That’s because it’s there. Basically the AMA made its peace with the osteopaths (and vice versa) in the hope that people attracted to woo would go that route rather than the homeopathy or chiropractic route, forms of woo which are actively hostile to modern medicine.
I don’t believe it, but when you cultivate a culture of misinformation don’t be surprised when absolutely nobody believes your claims.
In other news, Trump is now 6’4" and definitely not obese.
Can we believe this? Who cares? The only question that matters is “is he dead yet?”.
Even in the extremely unlikely event that he was tested to current standards, doesn’t it have a fairly long incubation period? It doesn’t mean much, considering how recently he was exposed.
Well, he’s not as undeniably and reliably dead as one might hope, but he’ll always be dead to me.
The standard test (if that was what was used) is PCR-based and doesn’t rely on symptoms. If the stuff is in you, it’s very likely to show up.
I was saying earlier today that regardless of the result, the announcement would be that he was negative. Watch for him bragging that he’s been exposed but his good genes protected him. “The doctors tell me they’ve never seen anyone this immune to such a terrible disease.”
Just a reminder absolutely nothing that comes out of this administration is true (weird that I have to remind of that). They lie about his height (it keeps going up to keep his weight calculation from tipping the legally obese point). But they also lie about his weight and everything else
If it is true, this is good because when he does get it, he will avoid testing and given he is obese with other health problems, all it takes is Pence to also get it, when they are both down for the count:
Acting Freakin’ President, Nancy Freakin’ Pelosi !!!
it will be the thrill of my life to finally see a woman as president and at this point I’ll accept it by any plausible method because I am out of years I think
Besides have you listened to her lately during this crisis? She is like a real mother to the country, she really cares. A bit stern and has other annoying traits but what mom doesn’t have her faults.
The only thing that stops a narcissistic louse is a good witch with a house.
White House physician says after an “in-depth discussion” Trump took some form of coronavirus testing
Does Trump think being tested makes him seem weak?
Some very very good pediatricians I know are DO’s. No clue what to make of the osteopathic manipulations they do, but medical skills are on par.