Trump officially nominated as Republican presidential candidate

Best way to kill the two party oligopoly is to take a pledge to never vote for those types again.


First requirement: have a soul.



I am convinced that pretty much any way this year’s election plays out, America loses.


I don’t know what will finally end the two-party farce in the U.S., but any third-party with a chance of gaining traction in Washington is going to emerge from a fracture within either of the two major parties.

‘Voting your conscience’ means factoring in malicious and/or incompetent actors who might effectively benefit from your choice. This consideration becomes a moral obligation when the stakes are high, as they are in the 2016 U.S. general election. Vote accordingly.


Voting for a 3d party is a vote for Trump, and possible WWIII. He already said he’d have started a WW over the truck attack in France. The man is a thin-skinned pathological liar megalomaniac. Destroying the country to destroy the party system is the same thing the Tea Party is willing to do.


There are degrees of loosing, and Trump is soooooo bad. He’s a serial liar. He’s what you get when somebody incompetent actually believes every single one of the Stuart Smalley platitudes, and has the power to financially punish anyone who points out any flaws. His delicate ego has him suing people constantly. With military might at his disposal he can use the constitutional excesses that Bush and Obama carved out to horrific effect - financial if nothing else. He’s had 4 bankruptcies. He’ll take the country down with him, then get out with billions.


That looks awfully like someone turned a scrotum into a hot air balloon :astonished:

Which is a fitting analogy for Trump, really.


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Wow, I need another whiskey before I can digest that one. But may I add, good word-smithing there Sir or Madam.


We all need another whiskey and another and another and keep it coming till November…


Since he seems sketchy upon what the duties of the office of the President are, and much of what he says he will do is either illegal or has no legal basis, does anyone else suppose that even if he were to be elected that Trump might just be quickly fired? Would the rest of the Fed be willing to put up with Trump doing “whatever” if his interpretations of the office are drastically different than what they need? I don’t envisage the office of President changing for Trump, no matter how much pressure he exerts. With no experience as even any sort of politician, I couldn’t see him lasting long.


The Seventh Seal is the ONE THING that can SHUT GOD THE FUCK UP.


This is pretty much what happens whenever I halve my medication dosages for a particular day because I woke up too early/late/wrong.

Today was that third one.

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Original skellytons are in the Australian Museum in Sydney.



There’s also one riding a bicycle, connected to another bike so that visitors can make it move.

It’s a nice museum; worth a visit if you’re in town.


The Fed can’t do a damn thing about firing Trump. The only remedy is impeachment by the House of Representatives - which does not seem likely.

And, as to experience, nobody has experience at being POTUS unless they are running for re-election. And as to illegalities, Bush and Obama have shown a willingness to knowingly violate the Constitution, so I can’t see that Trump violating it is going to seem like a huge difference from a technical standpoint. In magnitude and vindictiveness, probably, but the road already has ruts in it from over use.

And if Trump gets bored he can just go on vacation like GWB and Reagan did so often.


Turning on the radio and getting an earful of RNC speech put me in that mood. If I wasn’t driving, I’d have taken a slug right there.


I’ve read a few opinions running the left-right gamut but they all agree: Trump is signing up for what is possibly the most frustrating job on the planet for someone with his particular ‘management’ style (and personality disorder). About the only satisfaction of a Trump presidency would be seeing him writhe amongst all the red tape and hardball politics that come with the job.