Trump pardons Michael Flynn, who lied about contacts with Russian government

I don’t think Biden is going to pardon Trump. I don’t think Biden is going to push for Trump to be investigated either. I don’t think Biden will have any comment when Trump is indicted by New York, perhaps as early as January 20 (I don’t entirely understand the system, so I might be talking BS here, but my guess is they’ve already indicted Trump and they are just keeping it quiet for now).


Only if the President likes your lies. And remembers who the hell you are. And can be bothered to tweet the words “I pardon some_guy for whatever he did if he did anything which he totally did not and if he did it had nothing to do with me except I told him to do it #iroderedthecodered #youcanthandlethecovfefe”.

I wouldn’t rely on it myself.

I think it’s clear at this point that more than one person are writing drops. There’s no way the Watkins duo could keep control of a movement full of crazies this big. There are a hundred sites all claiming to be the best or most official aggregator of drops. It’s way into “life of its own” territory now.


Obama took the same position on torture with Bush. I think that was a mistake too. I understand the desire to keep the government from descending into petty bickering between administrations, but when we’re talking about torture, treason, dozens of constitutional violations, and so many crimes that I’ve lost count… At some point there has to be accountability or presidents are just kings with term limits. America claims to be all about rule of law, but it hasn’t seemed like it for a long time.


My Q aggregator is the only one that includes Q’s very secret “Drink more Ovaltine” messages.


I was not either, but I sensed this is a special interest, and so I thought you might have more knowledge off the top of your head than me :slight_smile:

I agree with this sentiment, but does it have to be Biden?

I read that New York and New Jersey both are looking into state level offenses.

I know a little bit about diplomacy, and while that’s not an optimal solution, I think maybe it would be a good way to let everyone feel like they “won” in some way - Trump is put on trial and if needed, jailed.

And Trump can not feel like he’s being unfairly targeted. Many ex-politicians have been charged with crimes.

I also think the Biden stance was more “I will let the head of the Justice Department run the Justice Department”, which may very well lead to Trump being charged and if so I’m all for that.

I just think that sadly optics matter.

Thanks for the reply.


Pardoning his loyal minions, and bringing back firing squads. Hm.


And why in the fuck not?

I’ve lost count of the crimes he’s committed, it’s a sea with no known depth at this point. I say let the fucker drown in his mistakes, and let everyone watch from the shores of decency as he does.


Ford doesn’t have the reputation for corruption and malice as his predecessor. He is known for incompetence, but meaning well.

Pardoning Nixon was meant to move on from Watergate on a national level. It was viewed as stupid, but it accomplished the goal. We found new things to get annoyed at Ford over (The end of South Vietnam, Economic upheaval, rise of professional terrorism…)

Flynn was a direct lackey for Trump in a way Ford was never for Nixon. It reads differently.


The Trump crowd will likely just spin this as Trump overturning an unjust conviction or some other bullshit.

They start with “Trump is infallible” and crowbar facts to fit that idea.


The post watergate era was this country’s chance to kill the Imperial Presidency once and for all, and Ford killed that dream. He had other priorities.

The public spectacle — which included witnesses paraded before Congress and conspirators sent to jail — left Americans exhausted and divided in warring camps. Mr. Ford told colleagues then that the nation could not come together until Mr. Nixon was removed from the political stage.

“Ford was spending 25 percent of his time dealing with leftover Nixon stuff,” Ron Nessen, who replaced Mr. terHorst as Mr. Ford’s press secretary, said in an interview. He said Mr. Ford told him then, “The country has so many other problems. I need to spend time working on other things.”


Oh yeah. The craziest shit comes from the followers and has for some time.

For instance, Q has tried to discourage the weird rumor that JFK Jr is not only coming back from the dead but going to be Trump’s running mate. Some portion of Q followers were still pushing this well after the convention, when Trump would have dumped Pence had he wanted to actually do that.

Another example is the mole kids. This was the rumor that the COVID-19 hospital set up in Central Park was actually for the children rescued from the tunnel where the cabal was farming them for their adenochrome. Q never mentioned this, but some of his followers did. I’m not sure if Q has mentioned adenochrome at all, but that’s a big part of the fantasy for a big chunk of his audience.

Anyway, it’s endlessly fascinating and endlessly disturbing to watch.


I first learned of adrenochrome from that Lewis epsidode-- which, mirabile dictu starred Lawrence Fox, who’s apparently a right wing twat who supports Brexit. The conspiracy is deep.


No, it is not.

All talk, adoring crowds, and sweet sweet campaign donations, yeah.


That’s not a crowbar. That’s shaped charges of c4.


source available upon request.

i love the idea that obama is a giant sleeping amoeba.


source available upon request.

please, no.


Laurence Fox is outraged by historically accurate diversity and mild corporate expression of Black consciousness.


But there is, though.


Pulitzer Prize-winning progressive journalist Glenn Greenwald has a very thorough breakdown of the whole Flynn matter here, including why lying to the FBI should NOT in and of itself, be a crime: