Trump praises mass-execution of Muslims with bullets dipped in pigs' blood

Vermont is very edgy you know. /s

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HRC represents the limits of the respectable left.

Really need quotation marks around “left” there.

The mere fact of somebody existing to whose left you sit does not make you “left”.


Rightbackatcha. :wink:


I admire your willingness to enter the lions’ den; to bring a dissident point of view. More people should do that.

If you just want to sneer at the stupid liberals, go ahead, but it won’t make any real difference in the world - except to convince your opponents that you aren’t worth talking to. If you’d like to make the USA better (as Mr. Trump says he wants to do) you could start by explaining your point of view. Who knows, you might teach one of your countrymen something!

This is something of an echo chamber, you’re right. But many people here will treat you with respect if you treat them with respect; and you can safely ignore those who won’t or don’t.


So I take it you somehow haven’t noticed Trump’s relentless ad hominem attacks?


I think he’s terrible at management of money. What he does appear to be actually good at, based on his current run for president, is sales.

If you actively remind yourself that people basically compartmentalize their thoughts - so that their thoughts on one issue just never have to be reconciled with their thoughts on another - people will seem much less confusing.


That’s a bingo.

Not that she’s anywhere near to being a Trump supporter, but my wife is from Central America and is somewhat anti-illegal immigration*. Having shelled out thousands of dollars and spent lots of time being degraded in immigration offices, people who jumped through the hoops are not always thrilled with people who skip the queue.

*Personally, I am not of this opinion, as this chart illustrates what a farce legal immigration is, particularly for the unskilled.


Yeah. Gotta stop with those ad hominem insults. Why can’t people be logical and insult the furniture?!


It’s not about race, sex, or birthplace per se. It is about the capacity to identify an other and relentlessly dehumanize it. It’s about bigotry itself, about collectively being on the inside of a rigged game, and the sense of belonging and power that brings. It’s about seeing life as a ladder with people above and below, rather than seeing everyone as equal, and on the same plane. So, my theory is that bigots love trump. Whichever flavor of intolerance they practice, it’s the intolerance that attracts them. They are intoxicated by the toxicity.


ad ottoman?


Or ad home decorum.


not likely!


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Chair 2016!


So you’ve met my mother. Great phrasing!


And Trump as the candidate who will knock the most people off that ladder. Very attractive to those who see themselves as no longer on the ladder now, and having little chance of getting back on it in the future.

Sanders has a similar narrative - he’s going to knock the ladder down.

Neither one is very likely to deliver, but at least they aren’t obviously business as usual, like every single other candidate in the race. There’s a chance that something might change.

Since my ancestors came to North America, each successive generation has had the opportunity for a better life for their children. But my children will have to struggle much harder than I did, just to break even, even though I have given them twice the education my generation received. That kind of thing is what people are pissed about, and that’s why Sanders and Trump are winning. No other candidate has any intention of shaking things up enough to make a real difference. They are all machine politicians and the machine is what brought us to this place - the machine serves only the plutocrat 1% who fund it.


If it’s Hillary versus Trump, I think some people are going to beg an independent candidate, like Michael Bloomberg, to run. Bloomberg is wealthier than Trump (so could finance his own campaign) and has experience running a major metropolitan area (New York City) for over a decade. If Bloomberg did run against those two and stayed out of the mudslinging, I think he could have a shot.

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But that would split the conservative vote! In 3 directions!

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