Originally published at: Trump promises a "unus economy" if elected | Boing Boing
The real answer, of course, is that Trump is a senile moron who can’t speak, read, or think coherently.
He meant to say Anus, of course.
“Unus”? It’ll smell like ass.
I think he said Unas economy.
Brain worms would be Goa’uld in this case.
Yeah. He probably meant “anus” economy, because he’s pulling facts out of his ass.
The onus is on him to explain what he meant.
I think you’ve put your finger on it!
It looks to me like he was reading from a teleprompter, and then went off script (when he looked away to his right), and then when he looked back at the teleprompter to get back on track, the thing had probably scrolled to the next few lines, and he just remembered seeing a u, and n, and maybe an s (maybe it was supposed to be unbelievably strong), and so he just made up a word and kept going.
not enough covfefe maybe?
We will all be indebted to the Great, All-Powerful Unus.
Positive that this is a reference to the character Eunice from Mama’s Family, portrayed by Carol Burnett.
“j’hear that Buford!? a you-ness 'conomy is 'xactly whut them libruls hates most! yehah!!”
He supposedly slurred and slobbered his low-energy way through that rally yesterday. Watch if you dare.
Well, he probably meant “Unitary Economy,” which would be his plan to take all the money in the economy for himself. You know, as his ex-fixer/lawer Michael Cohen said, if re-elected he would call all the billionaires in the country into his office, and order them to hand over their money or else. Now, I do not find Cohen to be a terribly credible witness, he obviously has an axe (a very attractive, large, tempting axe) to grind about his ex-client, but in this case I’m pretty sure he’s more or less right – if he manages to gain the presidency again through means fair or foul, he’ll pillage the economy and destroy all the wealth this our country has created and accumulated if he can’t have it for himself.
Ewwww, yuck, hell no!!!
It’s a “You and us” economy guys. An economy for you and an economy for us, kind of like “His and Hers” towels.
Seriously: it’s just as plausible as any of these other post-hoc justifications.
It’s remarkable that someone has so many people working so hard to rework the words they have already spoken to find meaning. It’s tea-leaf reading.
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